Saturday, December 13, 2014

The Exclusive Looks At WEIL Hotel, Ipoh

Somewhere beginning of last year or was it this year... hmmm.. I cannot remember.. I was feeling kind of "curious" when I saw some construction being built next to Ipoh Parade... Initially I was thinking it was another shopping mall or a condominium being developed, never thinking it was going to be a luxury urban retreat for holiday-makers and corporate business people. 

The latest addition to IPOH's humble city is none other than WEIL Hotel!  Just recently opened on the 1st December, 2014, I was given an opportunity to experience their first Merry Tempations exclusively at Weil Hotel.   Before the food tasting session, here are some humble pictures taken with my old faithful and I'm afraid it has not done much credit on the photos. 

From the outside, the hotel is just opposite one of Ipoh's prestigious school, Sam Tet....
From the exterior view...
WEIL reception.... 
The luxurious lobby....
The section leading to Tiffin Restaurant...
An All-Day Dining is being served... 
 Blurry Me... 
Someone must be "trembling" when this was taken... 
At the lift section..... 
Inside Tiffin Restaurant.....
  The media socialites taking seats...
Preparing our "tummies" for yummy food!!
So honoured to be seated just next to the Big Chef Eric!
Thank you, Big Chef!
I learn a lot from him.. (me being the curious one always!)
And.... what else.....
OH YES, the FOOD, the FOOD!
That will be for the next post..... I am still very full, man!
My calories are still "embedded" somewhere in me...
Let me take a Good rest after all the Good FOOD!!


  1. Very nice. Location good? If it is, I'll stay there when I go to Ipoh! Sam Tet, my friend, Ivan's school...

  2. Wa..... two food blogger together with the Chef... Making headlines ;) keek keek so can cook better food lo ;p

    1. Keek keek? yeah.. both of us know how to eat only... if only you were there... so much you can share with the Chef himself!

  3. Wa..... two food blogger together with the Chef... Making headlines ;) keek keek so can cook better food lo ;p

  4. Looks neat and nice. But I suppose it is expected, since the hotel is new. Did you get to test the rooms for a night as well? Or just food?

  5. Nice & big hotel. I like the lobby area. Love your last pix, smiling so sweetly.

  6. Looks very new and nice.. Good la you always go kaikai.. Me stay at home boil abc soup only.. Hmm after seeing your post and the Christmas decor, tomoro I wana pester hubby to take us out also..

    1. Hope your hubby wont blame me after this.. hahahaaa

  7. Wahhh... the place sure looks nice. :)

  8. Looks good. Since the location is good, if I can afford it I will stay here.

    1. Sure you can afford, Mun.. I have confidence in you.. hahahaa

  9. Wow! Everything is so modern, fancy, and luxurious. Also BEAUTIFUL! You are beautiful too, Claire. Can't wait to see their food and what your opinion is!

    1. Yes, it is the latest hotel in my city... thank you, Ginny!

  10. Looks awesome! I am sure it will be a hit, considering the strategic location in the heartland of Ipoh :)

  11. Near your house? If near, can consider to stay there if go Ipoh, hehe...

  12. Looking forwards to the food heee..hee...

  13. So proud of Ipoh, many new happenings here.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...