Thursday, January 22, 2015

Pre-Retirement Farewell At Simpang Tiga Restaurant

The time has come... my colleague and I are retiring... actually I still have another three weeks to go... or is it two???  Ok, whatever.. or whenever, I still will go in the month of Febuary....and our office held our farewell meal at Simpang Tiga this afternon.   I was looking forward to the meal  and the presents but not towards the Farewell Speech at all.. and I ended up spending an hour to prepare it.. oh my goodness!
And so here we are... at the Simpang Tiga Restaurant.... 
Nice set-up.....
Both of us are the going-to-be retirees...
With my cute "daughter"....
and my good friend of many years....
Mingling before the VIP arrives.... 
My colleagues....
 and my colleagues.... hahahaa...
soon... we have to be seated... 
and the "movie" starts...
and the moment of "trembles" began..
No, I didn't cry....
Cos I have a few presents in store for me!
Each of us received three packages....
For our "hard work" done....
Just kidding!
Second round of "Retirement" celebration.... ..
A Big Thank you to my office mates!




  1. Sobsss!!!! And now the end is near... Enjoy your retirement! So nice, RTM everyday - relaks tidur makan!!! And hujung bulan, terima pencen - paid for not working. $$$$$!!!! :D

    1. So you have been enjoying your retirement all these years!! Like a King!! hahahaa..

  2. So, soon to, u will b Ipoh pensioner, kaka...

  3. Replies
    1. Sorry Shafiq!! Will put yours when you retire.. hahahaa...

  4. I thought your retirement is in March. Soon you will have all the time to do all the things you like to do. Anyway, wish you all the best and enjoy your retirement to the fullest.

    1. Yes, retirement on the 1st March... but I have leave... so I go off earlier...

  5. So we the pensioners are welcoming you into our pensioners club. No more clock in or clock out. See you tomorrow for another round of lunch...hahaha..

  6. so nice of ur colleagues/company treating u with sumptious lunch & presents!

  7. What a nice meaningful farewell meal for you and your colleague from the whole office. Good that you really put in the effort of 1 hour to give them a meaningful farewell speech. Soon we will be getting more posts from you? Ok, ok, just joking, no pressure.

    1. hahaha..yes..more when I retire.. so beware! hahaha..

  8. Claire, you are retiring at 25!!!!! hahahaha.. that is so sweet of your department to hsve thst farewell for you, so formal and gotta give speech like Menteri.. but you are Ipoh Food Mayor, so you are qualify, hehehe!!

    I guess you start to miss your colleagues already?? :)

    1. Yes, I am going to retire at 25@@@ ... hahahaa...

  9. This place looks so fancy!! And I know everyone will really miss you. But maybe you will be keeping in touch with some of your best friends. Your are so pretty with your long hair, beautiful dress and earrings!! Now to start sleeping late!!

  10. The place looks so nice and you dressed up so nice for this.. Very meaningful and thoughtful of the company to organize the farewell for you amd your colleague..

    1. It is a norm actually.. for every staff that retires... :) Yes, very sweet of them and the gifts too!!

  11. Soon you will be officially enjoying your retirement! Lovely photos. A memory to be kept.

  12. So you will retire before CNY? More time to prepare then :D

  13. Wah, got give 'speech' some more, hehe!

  14. Merdeka soon huh? I can't wait to retire but mine won't have farewell makan hah,,hah...

    1. PH, wonder how it feels to be my merdeka.. hahaa..

  15. What retirement ? After this ....go and serve the church ! Muahahahhaah.....

  16. Sobs sobs...I am sure your colleagues will be missing you lots.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...