Sunday, January 18, 2015

Reanaclaire Cooks - Cheap and Pricey Meal

I have company at home now... at least for many months to come... so whether I like it or not, I will have to cook more often like I never before... This "tenant" is a simple eater... she can just take oats in the evening and I also have to end up taking oats along with her... I really detest oats as dinner, don't mind if it is for breakfast or lunch... but for dinner is a definite NO-NO...

Alright, so far, I have taken oats once for dinner and I thanked her very much for it.. but "please no more oats for my dinner?".. whether it is pre-prepared or not... once is good enough.... I ended up more snacks and junk food after an oatmeal meal... hahahaa...

As for dinner, as long as it is R-I-C-E, I will love it...
 Simple meal that cost less than RM10... One bowl of rice is consumed...
Porridge cooked in rice cooker...
Salted egg, minced meat and scallops did the job....

And for today's dinner, it was a bit more costly...
We bought two pieces of cod fish from AEON yesterday...
 Pan fried it a bit and topped up with shredded ginger and garlic....
 My colleague recommended me to use good oil for saute-ing my dishes....
So Olive oil it is....
Sauteed the greens with olive oil and pure garlic...
My Salt-less soup.....
Cos I totally forgot about the salt part!!
Anyway.... presenting....
 A Dinner for Two!!
We ended up eating more than our usual  portion...
And after our heavy meal, we walked twice as long than our normal evening walk....
(I hope!)


  1. I love all your homey dishes.. Chin tan chau choy baked beans steamed fish and abc soup.. Easy to whip up and sedap too.. I like..

    1. Yat charn poon charn.. ching chai la... can stomach ok liow! :)

  2. Nice homecooked food. Love them all especialy cod fish & soup. For cold & wet day over here, I need the piping hot soup. Slurpppppp!!!!

    1. Yes, even on hot day I dont mind drinking soup.. hahaa..

  3. Hahaha, you cook more, then you convert her into no-oats-for-dinner person :D !

    1. I hope I can.. this girl of mine is too skinny!

  4. Ya, start whipping up more simple, easy to cook dishes and you won't have to eat oats for dinner. Anyway, your dinner tonight looks very yummy lor...cod fish and yummy.

    1. Once a blue moon only... since she is around..give her a good treat..

  5. OK la...getting better and better...hahah

  6. It looks wonderful! I have long known you are an excellent cook, but I think you do not like to cook? I cannot cook more than one thing at a time now. Because if I try to watch more than one, I burn or set food on fire.

    1. No worries, Ginny.. I am not much better than you anyway... hahahaa.

  7. Actually you can eat your oats at dinner with "soong" like vege and fish. That's what my friend did - substitute her rice with oats.

    1. Oh, I really cannot... too "geli" cos very soft...

    2. Just think of the oats as porridge/congee and you won't be geli.

  8. With the rising prices these days, best to eat at home - cook one's own, can save a whole lot...unless you can find places that are cheap and affordable.

    1. Right, Arthur... and outside food is quite oily... as long as I am not in the lazy mode, this can be done..

  9. wow those are indeed "luxury" dinner for two, you have got at least three dishes!! now never mind cheap or expensive as long as you are happy (and no oatmeal for dinner, mushahahmuahahaha!!)..

    1. Oatmeal... now actually having one.. and it is it is fine.. hahaha..

  10. Home cooked meal is simply the best! I like all your dishes. And yah, I also detest oats. Not just for dinner but all the time hah..hah..hah....

  11. Sometimes these simple food is more satisfying than some fine dining.


Thank you, readers!

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