Friday, January 23, 2015

Third Round Of Pre-Retirement Gathering

This afternoon Elin and I were treated to a scrumptious lunch in Loon Wah Restaurant in Pasir Puteh. Both of us had never been there so anything new is interesting!   But this post will not be about the food and more food... I feel that it would be more meaningful to put in more humans than food cos this is all about us... colleagues and soon to be ex-colleagues...

I would like to remember this occasion and my lovely gang...
My beautiful colleagues...
Regardless of age... we still share the same interest here... 
Don't forget me...! 
  Different standing positions...
Love these pictures... 
My friend since 1980ssssss.... 
Both of us are retiring same month....
I think I gonna shed a tear.....
After this month... 
we will not have each other to go out daily anymore...
No intercom chats during office time....
No more breakies and lunchies daily....
No more going home together too...
Separation comes after retirement....
Our days will be changed from next month on...
Thank you for the Happy Years we had...
Happy Retirement to Both of Us!
Stay Cheerful Friend!!


  1. 3rd round already? that's real fast. I'm amazed tht u still have friends from the 1980's! that is about 3 decades already. I think i gonna miss them too when reminiscent of the good ol' days together.

  2. Once retired, a new chapter of your life starts. You will be doing new things and meeting new friends. But remember your old friends will be here waiting for you. Do stay connected.

  3. Both a happy and a sad occasion. You are all beautiful ladies! Maybe you will be e-mailing each other to keep in touch?

  4. Oppsss!!!...3rd round, more to come. Beautiful photos of all the amazing ladies. Enjoy your retirement to the fullest.

  5. I can't help but notice, both retire together, one white hair one dark hair one? XD .. Sorry, sounds a bit rude, I know..

    1. RG.. No worries... One natural.. One do painting.... Mystery solved.. Hahaha...

  6. Wah 3rd round eh.. Hoy meang wor you celebrate with so many good friends good colleagues good people..

  7. Wahhhhhh!!!! How many rounds altogether, lucky you? Hello, Elin!!! *waving at Elin*

  8. Ah... happy and sad at the same time huh? Enjoy your retirement (I know you will)!

  9. Claire.... We look like mother and daughter ;) don't worry will keep in touch ;p we have happy memories am .... laughing all the way home with my jokes ;p

    1. Im the mother naturally... Akways listening to you... Lol...

  10. Happy Retirement to both of you! I am sure they will remember you always.

  11. Photos worth a million words. Nice to keep the photos for memories.

    Erm. How many rounds of pre-retirement gatherings you are going to have till your actual day?? ^^

  12. wei berapa round ni...come come one more round in KL OK :)

  13. Elin also retiring? I know three ladies, ex-colleagues, who would meet every morning to go for breakfast and sit and chat and two groups of teachers who would meet, one once a week and the other once a month to do the same, big groups. Very nice way to keep in touch and stay active. You and Elin can do the same...and get some friends whoi have retired to join you two as well. The joy and fun would not have to end here.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...