Monday, February 2, 2015

Happy Happenings In Old Town, Panglima Lane, Ipoh

Sunny Sundays have been invading Ipoh for the past couple of weeks.... and it was no different yesterday when we ventured out to Old Town for a rendevouz.  We gathered in Uncle Lim Kopi for our breakie and a few of us had the Special Nasi Lemak.
The plate was filled to the brim 
and it cost RM10.80...
Nice to eat but I felt very thirsty after that..... 
Ultraman Junior doing his stint... warming up...
And now presenting...
Ultraman Mama also warming up....  for the Hot Walk!
Yes, we should bring along a few caps....
These umbrellas above were just too high for the taking....
Along the way, this yellow signboard caught my attention....
So... the Lou Wong is opening its branch here.... starting from TODAY!!
Good... perhaps from now, the old town will become more lively in the evenings!
This shop is forever bustling with patrons....
Concubine Lane aka Panglima Lane is also bustling with people...
My friend, Celine is doing some promotion here on health food...
After all the sample tasting, I finally got what I wanted..
Actually I do not know which is which... 
So many to taste!
Some homecooked goodies for sale too...
It would be great if there were more stalls opened along the whole row....
Chinese New Year is around the corner...
Hope there will be highlights for another two weekends!
Towards the other side of the road...
We landed ourselves here at a historical building...
Uncle Barber having his quiet time.....
Another one of those shots....
Some cute faces doing some kiddie stuff....
.... Ultra-woman.....
Don't play play!
Best Friends Forever....
Regardless of age....
Even her baby girl is named after my Nick....
Not bad... eh.... 
"Mother and Daughter and that makes me a so-called Grandma liow!"


  1. Wahhh!!!, I missed all the fun. Ohh, the nasi lemak very big portion le...but I prefer their curry noodle, long time didn't go there. I like the umbrellas display.

    1. Not very big portion la.. if I can finish it means it is just right... hahaha...

  2. Very lively place, i can tell that the weather was scorching hot from the photos!

    1. It certainly is.. wear something to protect... hahaha

  3. wah!!! that plate of nasi lemak, so loaded and i will be very happy to be served with a plate like this!! haha, so got the umph and the heart lah.. and of all, i love most the shot you took at Uncle Barber!! nicely taken like some professional shots leh, can take it for competitions lah, haha~~

    1. hahaha.. serious moe! With my iPad to compete! But I really like that pic... uncle is so relaxed there... dont disturb me!

  4. Maybe I I should go walk walk there during cny but then dunno it's that vibrant or not !

  5. I like your ultra-woman pose! :)

  6. Your friend is beautiful! She looks like my granddaughter Anne Marie! And I love the gorgeous umbrellas up high, they are so pretty! I would NOT like to see them taken down! YUM, the dish with the egg on top looks so good, I wish I could copy it!

    1. Yes, she is a cute little girl... Your granddaughter is Anne Marie.. and my friend is Ree-Ann...

  7. Lovely friend. Cute grandchildren you have there. ^^

  8. Your nasi lemak special is really special. And huge portion too. I see chicken, potatoes, some greens..Your friend looks young, and already got 2 kids..

    1. She is 30 plus... but still looks like a small girl.. my daughter... hahaha..

  9. Wahhhhhhh!!!! RM10.80 is quite a lot but so many things in that plate of nasi lemak, worth it. Sure would love to try.

    1. But after that... very thirsty leh.. or perhaps it was due to hot weather...

  10. Congratulations on being promoted to grandma, hihihi.....Concubine lane, very interesting & lively place,eh. Wow, nasi lemak looks great. Yumzzzzz!!!!

    1. Temporary promotion... almost forgotten about it till she reminded me... long time no see the kids..

  11. Wah having fun huh? Somebody now can goyang kaki already hee..hee... That nasi lemak sure is loaded!

    1. Yes, filled with goodies... can be shared actually...

  12. That barber shop, real barber shop kah? So small, and no extra chairs, where do the customers wait? Unless him relaxing there is normal, then I'm surprised his shop can last so long!

    1. It is part of the tourist spot.. very nostalgic...

  13. wah the place so yit lau.

    Hmm umbrella is nice day time. Night time dare not see LOL


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...