Sunday, February 1, 2015

Its Just Peanuts Porridge After A Hard Chore

"Life is not a garden of roses even though it is a holiday"
Today is Sunday... after our morning service, we took a break in old town relaxing in Lim Kopi outlet... we spent a couple of hours having our breakfast and a walk through Concubine Lane again..  That would be another story to talk about... perhaps tomorrow...

But today... this afternoon when we came home sweating, we just didn't go straight for a cooling bath.  Since we were already sweaty, we might as well do something to make our bath "worth the water".... hahaha... Is there such a phrase!

Upon mama's request, we ventured straight to the room that always need to be tidied every few months or so.  Forgotten when was the last time we had done that... seems like umpteen years ago!  hahaha...
I called this our Dungeon room!
We are prone to throw everything inside after each outing.... 
And it is always in Messy.. throughout the days and months...
And "where shall I start???"
Which portion of the room shall we begin?
There was practically no space for us to walk.. 
*so embarrassed*
But we didn't give up...
After some sweaty minutes...
I think our dungeon room become a store room again.... 
.... er... that is for now... and tomorrow...
Can never promise what it would be like in another month or so... 
And due to her hard work, I rewarded her with her favourite dish...
She knows where my limits are... 
Too complicated dishes are out...
Simple dish like porridge is what I can actually do...

Soak them well for many minutes....
Add in dried scallops and "salted preserved vege"
(Tai Tou Choy)
Dried mini oysters should be added too...
and boil for many minutes....
The peanuts need longer time to soften....
The porridge is cooked...
Add a dash of pepper...
And it is ready to be consumed... heartily.... 


  1. Wahhhhh!!!! So nice, all nicely and neatly arranged already. I feel lazy to do that as in a few days, it will be back to "normal" again. SIGHHHHH!!!!!

    1. Yes, same thing here.. it always goes back to Messy again...

  2. It is the time of the year again, doing spring cleaning. Wow, nice bowl of porridge. Never cooked porridge with peanuts, normally peanuts with pork ribs to make soup.

    1. My girl likes peanut porridge so once a blue moon, I will do it...

  3. My house is always in a mess too. Thinking about spring cleaning gives me headache. Now retired, getting more lazy....heheh

    1. I havent start on other places as yet.. sigh..tau toong.. hahaha..

  4. Hahaha, same like my store room, ever since I moved in, anything that not needed goes to the small room :D

  5. Eh my favourite !! Peanuts and pork and oysters porridge.. I love it leh, I can sapu the whole pot! I also got one room which I dump everything inside - the study room, hehe..

    1. I think each house has a spare to dump our things in.. hahaha

  6. great to hv yr girl to help you to tidy it up..
    yummy peanuts porridge..

  7. Can tidy up my apartment in SG too? Wah ...peanuts porridg.. ..long time didn't have it.

  8. Your daughter wrote the top part of this post as a guest blogger? Dungeon room!? What a name to call the room, so fun to name it that way. Good that she willingly tidied the room. Peanut congee with dried mini oysters must be very tasty!

    1. hahaha.. no la.. I wrote it... putting myself in her shoes....hahaha

  9. You both did a really good job! We have a saying here "Many hands make light work". Good to wait till your girl is here to help you.

  10. Great work. Glad your girl is back for long holiday and both of you have some fun together.

    I like your porridge. Long time did not eat it.

  11. The room looks so much better now hah..hah.... I have a few rooms like that at home and I keep the doors closed hah..hah....

    1. I cannot close it cos it makes the house look darker.. so got to clean them up instead...

  12. OMG that dungeon room turned a playland, haha!! and you should take photos of yourselves before and after, hehe.. and I would also save half of the peanuts to cook "fa sang tong shui", yum yum!! :p

    1. Oh, i dont know how to do far sang tong sui la... must pai si fu...

  13. the dungeon room looks so much better after tidying!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...