Thursday, February 5, 2015

Many Thanks To My Colleagues!

I agree with my ex-colleague.. she mentioned that working days passed extremely fast as her retirement drew nearer and nearer... that was one year ago. True enough, her statement is very true. My working days indeed passed by very fast too... For the past couple of weeks, I feel that time was not enough. So much to do and so little time! No such thing as boring in the office since 2015...

Many have asked me what I am going to do when I retire.... Frankly, I never thought of what I am going to do... no specific plans... no business to get involved in... practically nothing on my mind... I guess I am one of those "Come What May" type... 

Take it easy for the first couple of months... then when I settle down, then I will write how I feel to be a non-worker... at the moment, I feel I still have a busy life ahead... hahaha...

After packing all my stuff this afternoon, I felt the need to take some pictures with some of my colleagues... just in case when I grow old and cannot remember much, this post will come in very "handy!"
My colleague of many years... 
I remember the first day I reported to this department 11 years ago, she was the first one to approach me and made me feel "right at home."  Her friendliness I shall never forget...
Thank you for being such a good friend mate to me, Ila!
Hope you will achieve your goals soon....
All the Best to you!!
Another Sweetie... Fa... E... 
My "neighbour" and partner-in-crime...
Just kidding...
Thank you for your cooperation!
We learn from each other... right!!
Nurul... let's continue to watsap each other...
No matter where and when... OK! 
Rina, Thank you for your support...
Coming to my house... 
I will remember that...
Sweet Faridah... ever photogenic!
Thank you for your "shopping tips"
You taught me to save lots...
Safe Delivery to you!!
Lastly and not least...
My Take-Over-Job Man...
Manly and Macho Shafiq!
Here is my "handing over" joblist...
Thank you for being so patient with me...
You are the Chosen One!
Wish You All The Best!!
I am going to Miss You All!!


  1. Claire, no worries, now we can always stay connected with all the apps. Friday is the DAY!

  2. fuiyoh, u manyak popular, so many pictures with different colleagues!

    1. There are a few more.. but no chance to take as yet.. :)

  3. 11 years in there, and surely there will be a lot of people and things to miss.. well well well, probably you may not feel it right now since you are still busy "packing and handing over things".. but when you really retired few days later and do not need to work, hmmm.. that will be the best time to go to and kill your time by spamming comments!! remember, the CD and medal are calling you!!!


    1. hahahaha... Alright, alright!! I will remember that, SK.. after so many reminders from you and others! I will aim for one.. look out, TM!

    2. eh, SK doin some cheapskate advertising his blog over here...mana aci!
      SK, ur 'marketing' skill very 'geng', can lure people with free gift and medal ;-)

    3. eh, SK doin some cheapskate advertising his blog over here...mana aci!
      SK, ur 'marketing' skill very 'geng', can lure people with free gift and medal ;-)

  4. Wat a nice post.. I would cry if I'm your colleagues becoz I would miss you so much... So your lunch group in watsapp still on? Or left already, hehe..

  5. Right here waiting for you in Singapore after you retire, wink wink...

  6. Wah, you are so fomal to hand over your work list to him. He must be very, very sad that you are leaving because that means he has more work to do! Nice photos for remembrance.

    1. It will be fun for him.. at least no need breathing over his shoulder.. hahaha..

  7. Congrats! congrats! Now you are retired, you will automatically have lots to do - to relax and rejoice in God's creation of the beautiful earth. All the best!

    1. Thank you Mun!! Let's wait and see what is in store for me...

  8. wah ... the office looks so nice, even nicer than mine. And, your take-over man really looks anxious... hahaha.... OK la...enjoy yourself for a few months first. Go cruise....USA.... Hawaii.... Taiping ...etc. Then, do some church work, scored more points. :P

    1. hahahaa.. where got point merit system, wei... OK, not sure what my plans are... just wait and see...

  9. With heavy heart that you have to leave them especially those nice & friendly colleagues, certainly they will miss you too. Now you have all the time, relax & enjoy your retirement.

    1. I hope I will find retirement relaxing Irene.. so much housework to catch up on...

  10. It is always sad to leave but relieved at the same time. I am sure they will miss you too.

    Haha. The chosen one. Nice.

    1. Not sure how I am feeling yet.. still the same as yet... cos not really officially off...

  11. The cubicles in your office reminds me of this:

    1. Welcome to our RTM Club - relaks, tidur, makan. Heaven! Getting "paid" for not working - you're on pension scheme, I hope. Not that much but the money sure comes in handy...and easy!

    2. hahaha.. yeah.. you should know agak agak how much.. just spend half of what I use to spending now.. hahaha..

  12. Hahaha, I have to say, the Chosen One doesn't look too thrilled at all. Were your workload super heavy? :D

    1. Heavy or not.. it depends on time management.. right, RG?

    2. You're talking like a manager! Crap!! XD

  13. Good luck with your next chapter in life! Would be interesting to try out new things and move out of the busy rat race life :)

  14. Shafiq looks so serious :) You have a nice time ahead lah, ok?

  15. Enjoy your unplanned days ahead..


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...