Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Dinner At Weng Kee Restaurant, Ipoh

SINCE WE RETIRED IN FEBRUARY, ELIN AND I didn't get together much... both of us are busy in our own ways, we keep in touch through our Facebook posts most of the time.  While chatting one day on Facebook, she suggested coming out for dinner and I readily agreed... She and WB wanted to buy us dinner at Weng Kee Restaurant, so nice of them that I couldn't refuse... at all... hahahaha...

Our date was at 6.30pm, we wanted to beat the crowd... normally from 7pm onwards, the restaurant will be filled up... and so here we were... seated and ready to attack the food!  hahahaha...
Elin and WB aka Wild Boar...
I wonder where he got this nickname from...
Must be something to do with FOOD, right Elin?
Another loving couple.. 
 First serving... Signature Noodles...
Here comes the Buttered Fish....
Followed by Sambal Kangkung...
Signature Beancurd...
Steamed Yam!
That is my favourite and Elin knows it too!
The fish came in last while all the dishes have been "attacked"
But then slowly and steadily... the buttered crispy fish was "missing" as well...
 Before we left the restaurant...
Full of smiles because the tummies are tucked...
Thank you dears for the "sedap-licious" dinner!


  1. Food looks good. How much ? I go u belanja me can?

    1. When do we start discussing money... hehehee..

  2. All the dishes look so good. Somebody's treat, lucky you & so blessed.

  3. wah, first thing i saw on the table (of course after the people lah) was that plate of "mountain high" buttered fish!!! looks so delicious and i think it beats the other dishes leh.. and the steamed yam also nice, at first i thought it the sweet yam paste (because Claire mah, sure must have desserts mah, right??) and i was like, why put spring onions so weird?? hahaha, okay, now this is savory one i guess..

    1. Right, savoury.. not the OR NEE.. that one is not happening in Ipoh yet...

  4. I spot the prawns and tofu, both are my favourite! So nice of your friends to treat all of you to this tasty dinner.

  5. What beautiful couples! I remember Elin well from all the pastries she used to bring you, so glad you are keeping in touch!

  6. Elin gave him the name...and the children, she calls her little piggies! LOL!!! He's not wearing sunglasses here - this dinner must be before his surgery. Send my good wishes when you see him again, hope he's as good as new by now.

  7. Eh, the steamed yam looks so rich and creamy and good.. I can finish the whole plate too.. Yummzzz...

  8. weng kee...sound pernah the chicken in pig belly one?

    1. No , not that one.. this Weng Kee you havent been.. next time ya!

  9. I would attack the noodle and fish myself. Hehe. Nice dinner.

  10. I am eyeing the buttered fish. It is one big pile hah..hah...

    1. Sedaplicious as you said in your post... hahahaa..


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...