Saturday, June 20, 2015

Fascinated With Caesar's Palace

ONE OF THE MANY HOTELS I LAS VEGAS Which we managed to find time to go is Caesar's Palace.  Each of the hotels there have their own theme and attractions especially during the nighfall.  They are indeed very intriguing and amazing.....
At one of the entrances leading to Caesar....
The stars who have performed here before....
At the front of one of the side entrance...
It looks "Romanic" upon entering...
Beautiful architecture for a hotel...
I wonder how much it cost for one night....
In each hotel, there seems to be endless shops...
From the skyline to the ground, I gazed.... 
It was like I was in another place, another world...
This was the first place I seen the blues....
So this is Caesar's Palace....
Amazing sight!
One can just linger around here the whole day....
Short live shows are free for all....
The Romans did it all...
It ended with a huge fire and that was it....
We continued our shopping at the Abercrombie & Fitch....
My kids' request.... :)


  1. Did you watch the show? Anita Sarawak performed there for many years.

  2. Wah each weekend go xploring. So nice la. Have a great weekend and happy bak chang festival

  3. This hotel is world famous and beautiful. Only smart gamblers know how to get these rooms free or over 50 % discounts. The casinos even fly regulars free from NYC to Last Vegas with free hotels and airport shuttles. I heard this from my ex God ma who is a shark.

  4. This hotel is world famous and beautiful. Only smart gamblers know how to get these rooms free or over 50 % discounts. The casinos even fly regulars free from NYC to Last Vegas with free hotels and airport shuttles. I heard this from my ex God ma who is a shark.

  5. Nice shots. Love their architecture.

  6. Gosh, I had no idea that it is so grand! I just thought that it would be like most modern hotels. Good lah you are there to see Caeser's Palace in real life!

  7. Yes. Caeser's Palace is breath-taking and magnificient. My sil been touring around Las Vegas after finished her degree in USA and she enjoyed the hotels very much.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...