Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Fresh Plums And Lemons For Sale

AFTER A ONE WEEK ABSENCE, we went to check on the vegetables and plum trees the minute we reached home.   What came to our sight nearly sank our poor hearts...
The whole lot had ripened and fell on the ground... so wasted... 
There were more to this but disheartening to put up more pictures....
Wasting no time, we quickly took out a ladder and up I went....
Some are already ripened.. just waiting to be plucked...
OK, steady please....  I am going to climb one more step higher...
All three of us are NOT short...but only not tall enough..
I want to reach this bunch of plums here!
Half done here....
This is called Light Labour...
Harvest for this evening.... 
Have to continue tomorrow....
Getting myself cleaned up before the sun sets...
Time to "sau koong!"
Lemons and plums for sale tomorrow...
Hope the Mexican is not around... 


  1. So many plums! Must be fun plucking plums from the trees.

  2. Oh dear!!! What a waste! That would cost a fortune here!!!

  3. Oh no, so many dropped to the ground. So sayang. Love the lemon.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. So many plums dropped.. I wonder if they can still be eaten..

  6. What a good harvest! The best part is harvesting and eating the fruits.

  7. What a good harvest! The best part is harvesting and eating the fruits.

  8. wah.. plums!!! i love plums leh, and what an "amazing" sight to see them all over the ground!! too bad, you are not coming back to Msia else i will ask you to tapao them for me, hahaha.. and funny lah when you mentioned Mexican, it's like we mention the B**gla here~~

  9. Eh, I watched from a certain Korean drama a few years ago, they said the fruits that ripened and dropped to the ground might not be good enough to eat, but still good enough to make juices and jams. Although, it might not be true lah, after all the information comes from Korean drama LOL!

    Maybe you could try it...

  10. So sayang and sakit hati to see all the plums on the ground. They must be very tasty!

  11. Yes..very sayang...i picked up a few but all had exploded in a way...

  12. much fruits wasted....anyhow still got some unspoilt ones left for own consumption...

  13. Plums are not cheap here and that whole tree must have got thousands of ringgit on the branches like a money tree!

    I thought the fallen ones could still be made into bottled jams! It is very common to see American homes putting signs at the fruit trees that read - HELP YOURSELF TO THE FRUITS. THANKS!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...