Thursday, August 6, 2015

My 25 Counties Journey

A DAY BEFORE OUR DEPARTURE FROM SAN FRANCISCO, my BIL handed me two pieces of paper and told me that I would be needing them when I reach home. hahahaha... He really has a good sense of humour! He knows that I own a blog and I write a lot of crazy stuff there and many times, I ended up giving wrong information too... hahahaha...

Well, what would one expect from a human being absent minded like me?  Or should I say... a poor memory?  So.... in order to set things right, he took the trouble to make photostat a map out, outlined it with green pen and then write down all the counties that he had taken me!  Isn't that nice!!  *To be on the safe side so that I won't be giving out wrong and inaccurate information.. that's me!

Okay, let me see... where have I actually been to....

And the arrows showed that I have been to Nevada and Arizona too!  
Isn't my BIL meticulous!
Just look at that... 25 COUNTIES!
Did we really pass through all those small towns?
Maybe most of the time, I was half asleep, I guess... hahahaa...
No wonder whenever we passed through some towns, I got jerked up from the "driver" and after a mumble from me...."Yes, ok...." I was back to dreamland.... ZZZzzzz....
Anyway, whatever it takes, I really appreciate all their thoughts for giving us such a meaningful kind of vacation..... Miss them much!!  Hopefully will see them REAL soon!!


  1. that is no joke at all.. 25 counties in 2 months, and look at how big an area you have covered on the map!! and indeed your BIL is really a meticulous person and one very hospitable person.. :)

    1. If he didn't write down, I didn't know where I actually been ... only a few places I know..

  2. So nice of your BIL to take you touring around USA. Wish I could do that too..

  3. Your BIL is such an organised guy, very cincai cincai kind of person.

    I envy you - so much energy plus you have the chance to travel. I'd usually choose to laze around and relax in the hotel room though, I'm so lazy...and will venture out only when it is time to eat. :D

    1. I am also like that... 2 months.. and most of the time lazing at home after cooking.. and watching netflix!

  4. I would be tired out to travel 25 countries within 2 months

    1. Not countries.. counties only.. hahahha.. passing by...

  5. Your BIL has that brilliant idea. Looking at the outlined map give me a shock. What a vast area you have travel to. I surrender and won't be that adventurous like you.

    1. I didn't do anything but to sit there and look see.. and Zzzzzz... hahahaa..

  6. Wah, very "sai sum" of your bil.. Good idea leh.. But normally, I'll note down everything in my hp, senang..But since this is dealing with maps and all, then bil's idea memang best..

    1. He knows better... I am just a tourist... :) eat, walk sleep...

  7. That was quite a list. So many countries you have covered. What a great adventure.

  8. I opposite with Suituapui, i would loves to venture out and racky the place...

    1. I also explore provided the weather is good.. :)

  9. No worries, when they come visit you in Malaysia, you can return favor by bringing them on an epic food trail around the whole country! :D

    1. That was what I did too..but I didn't outline the map.. hahahaaa

  10. That's quite a number of counties you have covered. Most people won't remember unless they write it down. Good thing your BIL did it for you :D

    1. Yes and now I post it up so that I can remember... otherwise sure gone with the wind! :)

  11. Your BIL is a very thoughtful person too. And he took the trouble to do it for you. You are so blessed! So when is your next destination! So fun to travel with you through your posting!

  12. What an interesting way to note the counties you have left your footprints. My friend does the same for Thailand as he wants to cover all the "Jangwats" which are like province.
    I never thought of this good counties idea while there except that I only counted the number of states in US.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...