Friday, August 28, 2015

New Discovery Cui Hu Jing At Lawan Kuda, Gopeng

A VERY INTERESTING TRIP THIS AFTERNOON! Just the night before, we "WhatsApp-ed" each other for today's plan and we decided to go to Gopeng... we just planned to have a nice lunch in Lawan Kuda, I have never been there before and where food is concerned, I am ALL for it!

Actually we planned to eat in Peng Yau, a restaurant in Lawan Kuda but it was not opened and when one of my friends mentioned that there is a restaurant near a pond, we went to search around the vicinity for it. We even asked one uncle where it was located and we finally found it right here!
 We took a picture of the road just in case next time we forget!
From this road, we could see the restaurant....
But firstly, we need to drive through this narrow road leading to the restaurant....
I dare not look actually.... there is no barrier on both sides of the road...
Any wrong turning, the car would be "swimming" in the pond!
Here is the name of the restaurant.... it is only opened during the evenings around 5pm....
The phone number is 011-26456371
But since we were here, we might as well look around and see what they have to offer...
Fish and prawns being reared here...
What these are... I am not sure....
One can even go "sampan-ing" in the pond.....
This is where the fish are reared...
And the young lad was so kind enough to take us for a "tour" around his pond...
From where I stood.... I dare not go any further... 
Cos I am no "swimmer!"
Even though my friend kept saying.. Come, Come... I wanna hold your hand.... 
Both of them went ahead.... 
I stayed put where I stood cos there is no barricade on both sides...
See what I mean???
That is the furthest I wanna be!
The planks wobbled as we walked along....
Somehow I managed to balance myself... 
*aikksss.. I dare not walk on the planks again!*
Back to firm foundation.....
And this is the place where one can have a romantic dinner.... 
Because once the sun sets, the scenery will be breathtaking!
But as it was noon when we went, there was no sun set to see as yet...
But we would love to go again when the sun is setting...
Best time will be around 5-6pm.....
 On the way out, we got down from the car to take some pictures....
See how narrow the road is???? 
Safer to walk, right???
Love the scenery here... got moutntain, got water.... 
 I would recommend this place for an evening dinner anytime!
Hope I can still remember how to come in... have to bring my friends with me if I don't!
It was indeed a Fruitful trip this afternoon...
We discovered a new place for our evening dinner and we will surely come here again...


  1. It was lovely view. Such a nice place to enjoy the ponds and food. Wow. The restaurant rears own fishes??

  2. Hi 5, I am like you, scare of water & don't dare to walk further down. Nice place to have dinner. No photos of food?

  3. Hahaha I cannot imagine you are so timid with narrow surfaces! XD

  4. Indeed a very beautiful place. I can imagine the sunset and night scene with the place is lit up! Ha ha...oh yes, a romantic dinner by the lake side.

    1. Shall we go one evening? Must plan first... see who is going...

  5. No photos of the food? Did you all eat there? I guess so.

    1. No, it only opens in the evening and we were there around noon,...

  6. Interesting place, but yes, where's the food? LOL!!! I would not bother going so far out of the way to eat though...but I know many do that all the time.

    1. Oh I love to.. especially new places and someone to drive me there... I love it! No food cos it is not evening..

  7. Interesting and nice place... I loves the place, guess foods will be next post?

  8. Claire, you really have a bunch of good friends to accompany you to trips like this. Nice outing actually. You have fun and happy long weekend to you .

  9. I like the picture with the mountain at the background.

  10. Well, at least you did step out on the planks. Me will not dare to go even as far or near as you did hah..hah...


Thank you, readers!

Visit to Secret Tunnel, Penang

DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS CALLED SECRET TUNNEL.... Maybe they got the name from up north, Thailand cos the food served are mostly Thai food.....