Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Dinner At Lawan Kuda And Supper In Gopeng

AS FOR DINNER, THE GROUP BECAME LARGER! Really excited when one of my friends suggested going to dinner at Lawan Kuda, the same one that we took pictures of the place during the day.  All of us had never been there before during the evening and we were looking forward to our dinner...
Yakkity-yak on one side....
And my other VIPs on this side...
Plus the heavy platter of rain, it became One Voice!  
For once, I didn't take any pictures of the food...
Thanks to Kathy and Nancy for providing me with 1-Food pictures! 
This place is famous for their Talapia Fish... 
So we ordered two styles of cooking...
This is Thai sweet sour...
And this is Steamed with Black Beans... 
Both the fish were very fresh...
Someone caught me helping myself!
 For this set of dinner, it cost around RM140 plus... 
Not too bad I guess for the 10 of us... 

And the evening had not ended yet.... 
Someone mentioned Gopeng is famous for their "Lai Fun" noodles...
And in three cars, we went to "survey" them....
 Another round of Food!
The original Lai Fun from Gopeng...
Tried a little bit only nia... 
Just to satisfy the curiosity....
After "testing"... I noticed there were some "packaging" back...
That means the noodles must be kind of special in a way...
I wouldn't mind coming again if only I could remember the way...
But I am sure I can "bodek" someone to take me here again!
 After our dinner and so-called supper, everyone went "home" happily fulfilled... 



  1. hahaha we bring "water"($$) to the restaurant lo. Just nice leh.

    Really amazing how you all can eat leh. The Lai Fun place I was stuffed jor. Cannot go in anymore. hahaha

    1. But you still tarpau back! That is to be saluted for.. hahahaha

    2. taopau back and he sapu finish all the noodles. D papa ate the liu

  2. Next round, do not eat rice for dinner or just a bit of rice will do. Only then have space for supper!

    1. Dint know we got another place to adjourn ma... really chart tak la..

  3. wah, all the makan kaki on the same table, that must be fun because everyone shares the same "hobby"!! but i wonder who decided what dishes to be ordered, since all also foodies experts with certain level of "requirements"..

    that bowl of lai fun actually looks like Japanese Udon to me, haha.. i find it looks good, and probably different from the KL lai fun, something like KL's lou shu fun??

    1. Yes, someone did the ordering obviously! *wink* We just asked for their signature dishes.. hahaha..yes, the lai fun is like the laksa type only not so slippery....

  4. Hmmm...somebody so busy on his smartphone. Already four eyes, going to get worse wor like that!!! Hey!!! Itu Hard Rock t-shirt like that sure got my size lor? LOL!!!

  5. Only RM14 per person - so affordable with such fresh fish. Really value for money. Is the Lai Fun those very springy type or soft type? I like the soft type.

  6. Reasonable price. Great company, great food and I can imagine the fun & joy together.

    1. Indeed we had a great time despite the noisy platter... hahaha...

  7. Wah, food again.. Nice leh, with good friends around.. The lai fun looks like loh shi fun, but when I see closely, no tails one.. Looks like those steamboat fishball "noodles", bet it must be nice..

    1. This noodles are longer than the mee tikus. hahaha..

  8. Hahaha, "bodek" someone come again, so can have another excuse to meet up again! xp

  9. Small kucing looks so bored leh, hahaha!

    I heard people say as you get older, your eating capacity decreases. I think it is not applicable to bloggers huh?? One day eat 5 meals @.@

    1. he was cold coz raining very hard and windy.

    2. Yes, only for awhile... so nice and cooling with that sweater.. most of us were feeling cold too!

  10. After all the nice food, can still go for noodles. I think I also can hee..hee...

    1. hehhee.. I think I will love eating out with you!

  11. Wah, everyone smiling so happily! What a nice makan group! ;)

  12. Really amazing how you all can eat. Great company, great food and I can imagine the fun & joy together.

  13. Whoa! This is a rare photo of Kaldip in full smiles! Papa Kucing I mean.... LOL
    The cost is very cheap for 10 @ RM140.


Thank you, readers!

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