Thursday, September 3, 2015

Dinner With Peng Yew At Lawan Kuda, Gopeng

LAWAN KUDA ALL THE WAY!! Ever since last Friday till today (Thursday), I had my meals here in Lawan Kuda for the third time... Oh my goodness, is this pure coincidence or obsession?

This evening the four of us came here for our dinner.... It was almost 7pm when we reached Peng Yew Restaurant in Lawan Kuda.  From what we heard, this restaurant is one of the best in this area and we were eager to try out for ourselves....
It was still early when we arrived... 
and we were glad that many tables were still unoccupied...
Clean and bright but we opted to sit at the paveway for more cooling air....
Well, though the place looks empty but by the time we ordered our food, 
we waited for almost half an hour before they arrived...
Maybe the signature dish needs time to get cooked....... 
This dish is not to be missed...
Ikan Haruan aka snakehead fish in wine soup... 
And part of the fish was served with celery and dried chilies... 
Very tasty...
Steamed eggs....
And eggplants with minced meat....
 And how was the food?
The picture tells the answer... 
As for the bill, it came to RM69.90 with rice and drinks...
Ok, I think I will "skip" Lawan Kuda for some time...
No more "fighting with the horse" unless with some special request!


  1. Make a list of all the makan places andf bring me there ! I never been to Gopeng for ages! And, not forgetting Pusing ...etc. Miss the seafood!

  2. Lawan Kuda, fighting horses or fei kei cheong! Foodie adventure going southward! The yummy slurpie soup finished to the last drop!

  3. I like all the fish dishes. Must be so tasty!

    1. Fish is not so meaty so not so heavy filling.. :)

  4. The food must be so good there. I would hope to visit this place someday. Sound like a food heaven.

  5. I try not to go back to the same place and eat the same things or I will have nothing to blog about. So sad...especially when there are some nice dishes that I would want to order and enjoy again.

    1. It is a small town offering different kinds of food...

  6. I love 2 things - fish in wine soup and that egg plant with minced meat... I want all I can finish the 2 dishes, no hal..

  7. like Axian ah. When he do tv show to recommend food he will go to the same restaurant 3x just to be sure the food is really good b4 gv recommendations.

    Lawan kuda there have so many restaurants . Oh that day we passby this restaurant right. Corner shop but not open.

    1. Yes, heard this is the best... haven't tried the few others yet.. :)

  8. like Axian ah. When he do tv show to recommend food he will go to the same restaurant 3x just to be sure the food is really good b4 gv recommendations.

    Lawan kuda there have so many restaurants . Oh that day we passby this restaurant right. Corner shop but not open.

  9. I would love to try The snake head fish soup with wine. It's going to warm the body up after a few bowls of it.

  10. haha.. lawan kuda for three times in a week really need much energy from you lah.. but it's a happy thing you have visitors and kaki to go makan here and there with you.. so for the next few days you will go back to "simple food" again?? :p

    1. Simple home cooked.. vege with eggs only! hahahaa

  11. If the food is good there, I will gladly lawan the kuda anytime!

  12. I have fond memories of this Lawan Kuda town as I have eaten in various restaurants there several times with my former boss. That guy who was the ex MP of Teluk Intan who died of cancer last year. He was good in finding good restaurants but he didn't bring me to this Peng Yew. I must look for Claire... Ha ha


Thank you, readers!

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