Thursday, September 10, 2015

Homecooked Dinner For Five

YESTERDAY I TOOK A DARING STEP... I invited two guests to my little nest for dinner!  But when I issued invitation, I already "forewarned" that it would be a very simple meal with only three dishes.  hahahaha...  With only a selective pieces of kitchenware in a mini kitchen, I can only cook a mini sized dinner and that was what I did yesterday.....
My pot of treasures consisting of ribs, mushrooms, eggs, cloves of garlic and chilli..
Stewed them for an hour over till they are evenly cooked and flavoured...
My first dish ready.... 
I have a packet of french beans and enoki in the fridge...
That's my second dish.... 
And my third... Okra with chilli and fresh tomato..
Sourish and spicy....
I don't have dried prawns.. that would be a better option... 
Well, not very presentable by the looks of it.....
Then my guests came... they brought along some side orders.... SEE!!
The "hand" on the packet.....
My guests must be pretty worried by my three dishes being adequate...
So they added in some ....
Fried chicken and 4 popiahs!!

P/S : By the end of the meal, nothing remained except for the bones...
That proves... either my food is inadequate or we are Big eaters!


  1. hah..hah... I am sure everything sapu clean is because your food was good lah! There is never any harm if the guests bring extra food. I would love to eat your pot of treasures, a lot of liew in there. If got sambal belacan, lagi syiok!

    1. Wow... yeah, never thought of sambal... next time I must bring down a bottle!

  2. Who are your mysterious guests? Ya...go people's place, must always bring "buah tangan", a little bit also good. That is good manners, old time practice.

  3. Syiok with that pot of treasure, indeed all the treasure hiding inside. Love it heaps.

  4. Your dishes were delish that everything finished up.

  5. I would sweep your plates clean too. They look delicious and appetizing.

  6. That is better than me...I cook only one have 3 ha-ha...I am sure your guests very pau pau :)

    1. Oh, don't say that.. paiseh to be better than you.. hahaha... simple greens.. if no guests, one or two dishes only.. :)

  7. today's post shows only the good food but no faces and the signature v-sign pose from the Ipoh-turn-JB Food Mayor!! eih, that pot is braised pork with eggs?? I like.. and also the popiah and fried chicken.. hehe!! xD

    1. hehehe... Guests brought them so food was more than enough..

  8. Or it could be because the food is delicious! :D

  9. I also can sapu your pot of treasures if I am a big eater. The food in it looks so delicious! Who are your 2 guests? I am also curious to know.


Thank you, readers!

Visit to Secret Tunnel, Penang

DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS CALLED SECRET TUNNEL.... Maybe they got the name from up north, Thailand cos the food served are mostly Thai food.....