Friday, September 4, 2015

My One-Dish Dinner Menu

DAYS WHEN I AM NOT EATING OUTSIDE WITH MY FRIENDS, I eat simple food at home, so simple that a bowl of soup will do for dinner. Unbelievable but true...
Yes, this is my dinner on certain days...
One big bowl of green soup and one egg...
Can anyone eat this for dinner without rice? 

Many of my friends asked me why my size is always the same all these years.  Well, eating out do not mean gaining weight, I guess.  hahahaha... I think It depends on the portion and quantity of food intake.   As for me, I know I cannot consume a lot at one time so I ended up eating more times but less quantity.   Get what I mean?  *smile*

That is why I always end up sharing my food and I get blamed because of it because my friends end up eating more than their usual portion!  Sharing is NOT caring, they use to say... they gain weight while I don't!   hahahaa...
Coming back to this post, there are days I cook simple food such as this...  
Leftover greens and fish paste, this idea came to my mind... 
Stuffed them with fish paste...
Then fried them a bit on the fish paste side....
Then I prepared a bit of gravy and added in my leftover corn as toppings...
Steamed them for ten minutes .... and ..... my one dish dinner is ready!!
Another simple dinner meal....
Leftover pumpkin "married" with okra aka ladies fingers...
Another dinner served... 
And at times, I just steamed a "village chicken drumstick" with a bit extra ingredients...
Dinner served!
How many can eat one-dish dinner like these?


  1. No problem, hubby and I can, especially on certain days when we do not eat outside food. Sometimes just fry rice only. Simple and easy dishes!

  2. No lah...some people are small, small-boned, they say...some are not really fat, just big-boned. No matter how little they eat, they will never be small. Count your blessings! Hehehehehe!!!!

  3. Hands up, I can. Luckily my hub is easy to feed. One pot of groundnuts pork ribs soup can settle us for lunch & dinner. Yummy

  4. The greens and fish paste, interesting, never come into my mind about it, hehe...

  5. Finally you shared the secrets of your petite slim size!! You survived just on soup!!!
    I will take up your Claire Slimming Recipe.

  6. Your recipes are right for my taste..will sure look for you for home cook food if i visit Ipoh :)

  7. I can, and I do. My dinners also look like this sometimes. But I still remain big sized after all these months >.<


Thank you, readers!

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