Friday, October 9, 2015

Drunken Prawns, Confinement And Fish Noodles At Tanah Hitam

TALKING ABOUT FOOD ADVENTURES, my friends did some "research" online and after some clicks, they found what they were looking for.  This time it is Tanah Hitam!  Er... frankly... I never heard of Tanah Hitam before, seriously.. if not for my foodie friends, I would have not known and come here last Friday.  Tanah Hitam is somewhere after Chemor town.... and I was looking forward to our mini trip....
After some turnings....
my efficient driver friend managed to find what we were aiming for... 
Really appreciate the skillful driver... hahahaa...

There are two shops which we wanted to go.. but we opted for this first...
The second one will be another day... I suppose....
Happy because we were blessed...
If we come a bit later, the shop would be closed by then...
Now what shall we order?? 
We ended up ordering Three Bowls....
Fish in wine noodles...
A closer look... so yummy!
And this is a seafood confinement noodles...
Prawns with ginger eggs... 
Funny combination called confinement....
Feeling greedy, we ordered one more...
Drunken prawns noodles!
And we couldn't resist this Ice Kacang... to be shared!
After some minutes...... 
Thumbs UP for the food!!


  1. Confinement, can eat seafood? I wouldn't know, of course - forever pregnant but never given birth. Muahahahaha!!!!

    1. hahahaa... just for namesake.. confined to the house.. so just eat..

  2. Seafood confinement noodles????..I am confused, confinement can eat prawns kah? Well, whatever it is, I prefer the fish in wine noodles & not to miss out the ice kacang too. You have a very "geng" group of foodie friends, hahaha!!!

    1. hahahaa.. same with STP.. it is just a name... :)

  3. wah.. yummy yummy!! i love those noodles leh, look so loaded with goodness.. i wonder if they have fish slices with ginger eggs or not?? hehehe, cos i don't like fish head and so-so prawns only.. eih?? ice-kacang shared?? then half-complete only lor your meal~~ :p

    1. That is a giant ice kacang.. cannot finish one by myself that is for certain...

  4. All sapu habis! The noodles must be very good.

  5. I missed the confinement noodles with all the goodies. When will be the best time to try the next shop, eh?

  6. Wow u really know how to find good food 👍

    1. My friends actually.. i just follow... hahahaa..

  7. I just love seafood noodles, the fish and the prawns, look really delicious! ABC is a must! :D

  8. When u said confinement i was thinking pregnancy confinement . Lol

  9. Seafood confinement noodle looks so good, I like the fried egg on top of the soup.

  10. Hahaha, not my type of noodles, I eat ais kacang can already..

  11. Eh I like the seafood confienemt noodles, that's because I spotted pork liver! Anything with pork liver (and kidneys), I can eat 20 bowls !!


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...