Thursday, October 22, 2015

Lunch At Claire's And Dinner At Mary's

MY TRAVELING PARTNER IS ALSO A GOOD COOK, SO BLESSED that she has followed me on this trip... Well... Blessing for me for me but not sure for her ..... Hahahaa.... She has to take care of me when it comes to food as well.  Thank God she loves cooking and I only help to eat... Hahahaa...

Since my friend can cook well, we invited Mary to come over for lunch instead.... Two good cooks settled down for lunxh and sure had lots to talk and share about especially when it comes to ingredients... Funnel or was it fennel...whatever spices, I get to know a bit here and there....
My friend cooks indian cuisine dishes most of the time...
She did this Sambal Cod Fish from scratch.... I could only hear the blender from where I sat...
And the result was fabulous.... Very tasty and not as spicy as I wanted
Potatoes fried with mixed ingredients all from indian spices...
Oh, don't ask me what but they are flavourful...
Even Mary was impressed and they ended up talking about recipes and doing business..
Some mixed vegetables..
And this is my request.... Rasam!!  Very appetizing!
Sweet and smiling Mary with our humble lunch....
After our lunch, we went shopping, pity the ladies though... they have to carry my heavy wheelchair each time I get down from the car... Thank you, ladies!  After our shopping, we adjourned to the courts to have agood game at badminton... I was really "itchy" ... Hiw I wish I could just stand up and have a good game!!  But all I did was to hold the racket and imagined myself being at the courts hitting out... 
Badminton finished at 7.30pm and Mary invited us for dinner in her house...
Know what she did??  She made these noodles herself and fried them plate by plate for us!!
Juat look at that!!
So yummylicious...with baked roast chicken as toppings.....!!
Happy smiles throughout the whole evening....
So thankful that blogging led us to the Mohs!!


  1. Ooooo...Mary's noodles look so so good! It's a wonder she and her hubby are not shaped like me. Hehehehehehe!!!!!

  2. Even in Aberdeen, you get to taste Asian cooking. And you are so blessed to have 2 good cooks with you.

  3. The Indian food cooked by your friend and Mary's homemade noodles look delicious! Did your friend bring the Indian spices all the way from Msia?

  4. Yes, she did, Mun... All the way to this place,..

  5. Your friend cooking and Mary's noodles is very tempting...


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...