Tuesday, November 17, 2015

An End To My Europe Trip

OUR LAST DAY IN AMSTERDAM DIDN'T GO WASTED... We had the whole morning and afternoon to go sightseeing cos we only need to go to the airport at 3pm... We quickly set out to another direction, Aaron said we must visit his place before we leave.....
Crossed the Skinny Bridge and instead of turning right, we turned left to Amsterdam museum....
Again, it was not a short distance... but the scenery helps to soothe our walk....
Soothing to our eyes and resting our legs as we walked along....
And stopped at an Italian restaurant to satisfy our tummies....
We were the early birds....
My friend ordered stew rabbit meat....
Aaron's pasta something....
And my free range chicken with Italian spices and herbs....
And our hot fresh mint leaves tea....
Soon we set out again and finally some minutes, we reached the museum....
But we didn't go in the museum this time... Just outside.....
Aaron said this is a Must-Visit place.....
No regrets coming here despite the long and cold walk....
Action.... 'she aint heavy, she's my mummy' 
Here 'I' Am!!
Just look at the crowd!!
Our last stop.... Amsterdam....
Our trip came to an end.....
My most challenging trip on wheels, one I will never forget....
Give Thanks in all circumstances....


  1. haha, yeah, must visit put the very last item in your itinerary, that's brilliant!!! I've heard of this "I amsterdam" and so glad you were there, now I can see the "real" thing with crazy tourists climbing all over, unlike the "lonely" one in photos~~ :D

  2. Your set, one whole free range chix, can finish kah? I like the architeture of the museum.

  3. Very lovely scenery pictures. Your plate of whole range chicken with Italian spices and herbs looks very delicious. You finished it all by yourself? Museum building has a very beautiful design. You mean you go all the way and not enter the museum? Its funny seeing all those tourist climbing up the letterings. And lastly, you overcame the challenge of having to travel on wheels. Hurray!

    1. Hahaaaa.... Hip hip hurray!! Thankful to overcome all obstacles!!

  4. I also like the second picture, by the way, don't dare to eat rabbit, I only eat the standard animal like pork, chicken and fish

    1. I understand... Not many do.. But rabbit is so common over there....

  5. The museum building has a certain charm, very much attracted to it, I like this kind of architecture

  6. Welcome back...to home sweet home...and Asian/Malaysian food! Rest well, take good care of that leg...do go and get it checked, hope it is recovering ok after all that moving around.

    1. Yes, so thankful that we came back safely... My leg is healing nicely too according to the doctor....

    2. So glad to hear that, praise the Lord. Take care there, God bless.

  7. I'm imagining pasta and pizza when you mention Italian restaurant.. But I want to try that rabbit stew very very much..

    1. Those are not for me,.. I still prefer chicken....

  8. Wow, you had a fantastic Europe tour! Thank God you have Aaron to accompany you.

    1. If not for him, I would have canceled the trip... 😅

  9. I did not expect that "I amsterdam" sign to be so crowded! Usually I see those travel bloggers' photos of this place to be so empty. How did they do that??

    1. Really?! It was a Tuesday morning too... So crowded....

  10. The second and third photo is so scenic!

  11. Well done Claire! Achievement unlocked! I don't think there are many people who can claimed to have gone on a vacation on a wheelchair (those permanently challenged people not counted).


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...