Wednesday, December 23, 2015

An Evening At Sunshine And Sea Breeze At Feringgi, Penang

THE NIGHT WE REACHED PENANG, A FRIEND INVITED US TO SUNSHINE RESTAURANT AT BATU FERINGGI...  We have to go fetch her and it was so jammed up especially the road to Gurney Plaza... it took us nearly 45 minutes to reach Island Plaza, if there is no jam, it normally takes 15 minutes!

I think I cannot stay in Penang, the jam is "overkilled"... Staying in Ipoh has spoil me, I guess... hahaha... Anyway, back to my topic.... my friend who was waiting for us at her apartment kept calling and asking us where we were, we said..."Stuck in the jam near Gurney" ... she said she was hungry and we on the other hand, were angry at the traffic..

No choice, either party got to wait and we managed to reach her place exactly 6pm and off we drove to our destination.  No point going to town for dinner, would be stuck there for another hour....
My second time here and my hostess ordered the same old dishes as before... well, almost!
Only difference is the spinach soup.... an added on...
Their famous misua with clams... but I didn't like the misua to be so "messily" done...
Their Guinness stout chicken is acceptable and tasty...
Claypot fish with yam is also their signature dish...
Ordered 10 sticks of chicken satay... 
And the bill came to around RM120 plus plus... with fruit drinks for four people... 
After dinner, we took a drive to Hollywood..... er... restaurant...
A very windy evening but no rain at all.... 
It was the monsoon wind, my friend told me....
Nice just to stand there and enjoy the sea breeze...
We stood till the sky had turned dark and we soon called it a night.... 
A night of wind and sea breeze!


  1. You made the visit at the right time when the island is windy and cool.

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family.

  2. Wow! It sure looked windy that evening.

    I would love to visit Penang again. First and last visit was in 1999. So long ago....

    Merry Christmas to you and family.

    1. Wow..that was really long!! hahahaa...Merry Christmas Rose!

  3. a hungry woman is an angry woman, haha!! so instead of going to Batu Ferringi you settled dinner nearby the apartment?? haha, and you remember what she ordered the last time!! aiyah, nvm la, when hungry what also can la~~

    1. Yes, she ordered same thing.. the restaurant is famous for these .. hahahaa..

  4. When hungry, even if the misua is messy, will wallop also lah right? I suppose the price is Hollywood price hah..hah...

  5. Love the look of the Guiness stout chicken.

  6. Love the beach, satay & stout chicken.

  7. Wah. Nice makan and enjoying the sea view too.

    Syiok. :)

  8. If you think Penang traffic is bad, surely you will gasp in horror with KL? That is the reason I ran away from KL to Penang in the first place. But it is getting worse now, so maybe in a few years time I will run elsewhere..

  9. One hungry, a carful angry = not good. But luckily all ended well with a good meal.


Thank you, readers!

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