Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Birthday Dinner At Sun Lee How Fook Restaurant, Ipoh

I HAVE NOT BEEN GOING OUT FOR MANY NIGHTS ALREADY but yesterday was an exception.  It was my friend's son birthday, we have known each other since our kids were in Standard one and her son is more or less "my son" and my son is hers and so we always say both of us have an "extra son" ..... hahhahaa...  

Going out at night is a hassle for me....Besides taking the walker frame, I have to be extra careful..Maybe I having this dark phobia already... I kept looking where my steps are now.  Once bitten twice terrified!  So hope my friends will understand why I don't go out much at night now... For instance, last night not only that I need the walker, I need shoulders too!  The dinner was held at Lee How Fook Restaurant and it was on the first floor.  I thought there was a lift.. but unfortunately, there isn't... Oh dear..what shall I do?  Yes, I need a helping hand and a shoulder..... and up we went, hip... hop.. hip hop... all the way the 20 steps... hahahahaa....

Definitely worth it.... the food was indeed scrumptious and it has been a long while since I have dinner at a restaurant at night!
Noodles came out first accompanied by the other dishes....
Steamed fantastically...
Sweet Pai Kwat Wong...
Love this dish too!
Claypot Garlic Prawns...
Something different from those deep fried...
And a very nice dessert which I have forgotten to take... 
And now I am wondering why.... hmmmm...
Raspberry Cheese Cake...
And I finished this whole piece....

Thank you so much for the dinner, my dears!!!
I enjoyed myself so so much!!


  1. Oooo...lovely food. Hmmmm...handsome son. Still available. Wink! Wink!

  2. nice dishes and b'day cake! hmm...26 years old, haha, young handsome man wor...

  3. Lovely dinner treat. Happy birthday to your "half-son"! ^^

  4. i have been there before, it was my ex-colleague's wedding dinner, and i can still remember the food was so so good there.. so nice you were celebrating your "godson" birthday, the dishes all looks good and i love the pai guat wong, lotus roots and last but not least the raspberry cheesecake the most.. errrr, only three of you ah?? :p

    1. Yes. I remember you mentioning it before.. the restaurant indeed serves nice food...

  5. Wow..looking at those prawns 'lau hao sui'.

    Wishing you speedy recovery. Take care, Claire.

  6. I loves the foods there... hehe... Happy Birthday to Mr Handsome...

  7. Hopping up 20 steps is no mean feat! But looking at the food, I also think it's worth it hah..hah...

    1. By the time I hopped up, my appetite already awaiting!! hahahaa

  8. What a nice birthday dinner. :)

  9. Looking at the food, they are definitely worth you hopping up 20 steps, especially the fish. Hope the birthday boy enjoyed his special day.

  10. Good that our friend brought you out..

  11. What a lovely friendship you have made that you guys can share sons! I love that kind of close bonding. I have no kids and most of my friends offer theirs to be my God children!


Thank you, readers!

Visit to Secret Tunnel, Penang

DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS CALLED SECRET TUNNEL.... Maybe they got the name from up north, Thailand cos the food served are mostly Thai food.....