Sunday, December 27, 2015

Hokkien Food Ang Hoay Loh At Jelutong, Penang

TIME TO GO BACK TO IPOH... Before we left, we had to fill up our tummies first and we went to this shop here near Chinese Recreation Club called Ang Hoay Loh along Jalan Gurdwara, Jelutong.  This is my first time eating there and oysters is the main menu....

It is at a corner next to State Penang Association and there were ample parking space.....
My friend cum driver who drove like Formula 1 back to Ipoh.....
Oh, just look at the left corner... Orang Cacat ... Slow Handicapped....
The man who got down from his bike asked me what happened to me...
I answered in Hokkien... "Pak tor"... "Fell down"...
I wonder whether I spoke correctly or not.. haahaha....
Coming back to the food... we ordered these few dishes....
Glassnoodles with oysters and big prawns...
Hokkien noodles with oysters and fish slices...
Crispy fried fish with beansauce...
Leeks with beancurd... *tau kwa*
A Hokkien dish... Meat coated with flour and cooked with cabbage in soup...
Penang fried oysters...
And the bill came to RM148 with drinks for five people...
After our lunch, it is time for us to go..... 
Thank you for driving me home to where I belong, friends!


  1. I loves the Glassnoodles with oysters and big prawns....

  2. You have my utmost respect - if I were in your shoes, I would not be in the mood to go anywhere, just stay at home, sleep. Oh dear! The sign!!! Orang cacat - slow - handicapped... LOL!!! I hope to get to try the glass noodles with oysters some day, never had that.

    1. Most of the time I am at home.. very good girl one.. hahahaa..

  3. You mean "puak toh"? "Pak tor" is something else right? hee..hee... I like the first dish and the last one. Oysters galore!

    1. ahahaa.. U r right.. no wonder it sounded a bit funny when I said that....

  4. All the food looks good. I guess you mean "puak toh" (fell down) and not "pak tor" (dating). That's a great difference in meaning, hahaha!!!

    1. hehehe... no wonder the man looked at me and laughed...

  5. Lol! Claire, I hope the man didn't think that you fell when you went "pak tor" (dating)...hahaha....all those yummy dishes can only get in Penang, right?

    1. So I went dating and fell.. hahahaha... funny guy .. he arrived same time I did...

  6. Wow! Everything oysters! Drooling.

    I like the glass noodle the most!!

  7. wah!! I love the noodles, and they are very generous with the prawns and oysters leh.. ooh, the hokkien dish must be "bak gao" according to your description..

  8. Food looks good. You are very semangat. Go girl! :)

  9. wei wei...gua belum lunch leh...hungry jor see the food. Hahaha...great of your friends go food hunting with you. No worries you will grow hungry

  10. That's how we should enjoy life right? No matter what, just enjoy and do whatever we want...

  11. So amazing! You guys even went to eat at this famous but isolated place.
    I really love the food there. Now you made me home sick.... so bad!


Thank you, readers!

Visit to Secret Tunnel, Penang

DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS CALLED SECRET TUNNEL.... Maybe they got the name from up north, Thailand cos the food served are mostly Thai food.....