Friday, December 18, 2015

My Friends And My Goodies

I KNOW SHE IS ONE BUSY LADY and despite her busy schedule, she still came all the way from her place to mine.  Not only that, one day before she came, she asked me through another friend what I wanted for breakfast.  And I being not the shy one, made my request!  *So next time before anyone asks, think first, when it comes to food, I can imagine what I want to eat for the next day*  hahahaaa.....

True enough, the very next morning at 10am, these two ladies appeared at my doorstep.  So happy to see them coming by and bringing so much goodies to me!  
Yes, many of us know Wenn for her gentleness and generosity!
She bought what I requested....
See.... BBQ dumplings \
*I asked for one but she bought 3 and I ended up eating 2*
Glutinous chicken rice and Chee Cheong Fun with wrapped meat....
Not only that, another two bottles of Birds Nest as well!!
And not only that, she brought a box of supplements for me... 
For fast healing on my poor leg..
My good friend, Florence is her classmate too!  
What a great coincidence... Ipoh is really small....
A wide grin from both of us when Wenn held the camera...
Our chubby cheeks were still filled with the glorious food!
Cheersssss, Wenn!!
My ration for the breakfast and lunch... 
Thank you, ladies for coming by with your goodies and your companionship!
So much to give Thanks for... 
Every little thing counts... 
I will never forget that....


  1. Replies
    1. Friends and Food always make me feel this way.. hehehe

  2. You are so blessed and surrounded by caring friends.

  3. Nice, Wenn and your friend came to visit and brought you food that you like. You are blessed with so many thoughtful friends.

    1. Indeed... even I do not like to be in this condition....

  4. Such a blessed life with great friends and people surrounding u.

    1. No one likes to be in this position.. yes, I am grateful!

  5. What a small world indeed. Wenn and your friend are so thoughtful.


Thank you, readers!

Visit to Secret Tunnel, Penang

DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS CALLED SECRET TUNNEL.... Maybe they got the name from up north, Thailand cos the food served are mostly Thai food.....