Sunday, December 13, 2015

My Qualms On Wheelchair Bound


I have lose a number of pounds, a good thing or not, it depends on which angle I am looking at..... hahahaha... While I have muscles on my arms and a good firm left leg, it is a now a pathetic sight on my right leg which is not in use for more than two months now.  Now I have qualms thinking about how to walk again...

I use my two good hands to exercise hopping and walking around the house... when I am tired, I use the wheelchair and when I am fed-up of wheeling around, I use the clutches.  Overall, I have four mode of "transportation" around the house, oh five... plus human shoulders, if one can lend his/her shoulder to me on both sides, I can hop better...  So... the firmer and muscular arms and left leg is created....   hahahaha...

Whenever I go out , I use the walker, I have not been using the wheelchair ever since I came back from my Europe trip.  But if I go to malls, I have to utilize their wheelchair facilities, just leave one driving license there and they will provide the wheelchair for me.

Going outside to eat is quite a hassle especially they do not have user friendly slabs for disables.  There was one time I was looking at a step which is way one foot up thinking *how am I going to hop this  high?*   Alone, I cannot do it, but give me a shoulder, I manage to.... So many times I end up holding on to strangers' shoulders while my friend looks for parking.....  Good thing is, there are still many helpful people whom I have encountered...

Family and friends are very important at this time... I am so blessed with their willingness to help me in whatever they can.... Really, I am so touched.....

Above all these, I am looking forward to the day I am back on my Two Feet again and this way round, I shall do whatever I can to help those who are in need... in times like these, when I am "weak" then I am made "strong"...

When our lives are running smoothly and devoid of trials, we have a tendency to rely upon our own human strength – strength that cannot compare in any way to Christ’s almighty, divine strength.

However, when our life is beset with difficulties and storms, our strength fades away and we become weak. Yet in these times of personal weakness we can turn to Jesus and rely upon His divine strength, and through that strength, face and endure those storms. And when we are relying upon Christ’s almighty strength instead of upon our own inadequate strength, we are really strong.

One of my "transport mode" that rolls me from one end to another....


  1. I dare not sit on that chair anymore. I'm too heavy for that type, the leg will break quickly under my weight >.< ...

    I thought you went to Europe to recuperate, you know? You should have stayed there until you're back on two feet, should be easier for you there.

  2. Indeed, at times like this, one tends to feel very helpless, and it can get so depressing.

    They always say one would not know unless one is in it - in my case, it was my arm and that was bad. I cannot imagine a leg. That is why we, old folks, have to be very very very careful - not young anymore, to avoid such incidents from happening...and we end up being rather dependent on others for this and that.

    At times like this, we are truly thankful to family and friends who stay by our side to help in any way we can. Blood runs thicker than water, they say but in truth, sometimes, water runs thicker than blood. We will see the true times like this.

    1. Reminds me of the Bible verses..each of our limbs attached to our body is equally important.. one can do without the other... Yes, I am truly thankful for my family and friends... though helpless, I am not lost... just need pampering.. hehehe...

  3. Hope for a speedy recovery!

    Do you see physiotherapists to exercise your legs or is it a no-no?

    1. Not yet... once the bandage is opened, then I need to.. so far, I do some light exercises on it daily...

  4. Speedy recovery... Waiting for you at Singapore...

  5. i totally can understand your situation here, because i have been through when i jumped from the upper bed of a double-decker bed when i was a kid.. my leg was bandaged for months, but at least i'm more lucky because i have people to carry me around take care of me at home..

    1. hahaha.. yes, i dont have anyone to carry me up and down... and no mama to cook for me... cham hor...

  6. You have inner strength to see yourself through this with the help of friends. Looking forward to 2016 when you will get the bandage off and try to use that foot. All the best!

    1. Yes, yes, I am looking forward to the day I do my first step! Thank you, Mun!

  7. Treat it as an experience, one that you won't ever forget! I am sure your leg is healing. Before you know it, you will be doing your jalan-jalan again powered with both legs!

  8. Claire, beautiful sharing. Thank God for family and friends that are there for you. This is the time when we realize that God is forever faithful and that He is our strength when we are weak. Love your sharing in italics! Bless you with speedy recovery!

  9. Oh My Goodness! You seem to be on wheel chair for too long now dragging from continent to continent! Get well soon.
    Honestly, your plight made me pay more attention to every step that I make now.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...