Wednesday, December 2, 2015

My Twin iPhones

MY FAITHFUL GADGET HAS FINALLY CALL ITS DAY....  I have been using iPhone 4 for at more than two years now, *hand-down* by my son, so all in all, maybe its lifespan has been maximized....

One morning it just couldn't be charged at all... nothing showing on the screen and I SOS my son, he said he will "repair" for me when he comes back, seems it can be backup-ed into the itunes and something-something can be done.  Oh, don't ask me to do it... I said...
The one showing "A" is mine.......  see the cellophone and cracks at the top corner?
Yes, my fault, I kept dropping my phone on and off till the poor fella said...
Enough is enough!
The "B" phone belongs to my girl...
She is using iPhone 6 now and guess who will use this hand-me-down phone?
Well, at least the front screen is good looking eh.....
Hang on..... when I took it out from the drawer, I noticed these......CRACKS!
Oh no... her cracks are worse than my phone A!
So I am not only the one....
Like Mother, Like Daughter???
So..... in that case...... here is what my son suggested....
Use the B phone for now.. *it is still functioning well*
Then he will take out the A's butt and replace it with B's....
And the B's phone will be good as NEW!
Provided no more dropping....
Meanwhile I have to be careful of the cracks.....


  1. Ouch!!! must have drop it too often, that's why merajuk. I am also like you, using hand me down from my kids, iphone & ipad, but nevermind, as long as it is usable, I am alright with it.

    1. Yes, iPad also hand me down.. as long as still usable, why waste... hehehe

  2. Apuuuuuuuuu!!!!! Let me suggest a better idea - pass the A+B one to me - I don't have a smartphone...and ask your son to buy you a nice new one. Isn't that good? LOL!!!

    1. heheehe.. .cracked ones la... hey, you got a new gadget already ma.. care to show???

  3. Get a new one. No more hands-down. Haha. And do be careful.

  4. It's time you go JB and come Singapore, your son get you a new set of phone..

  5. aiyoh, how could the phones cracked like that?? I would say guys actually are more careful with their phones than ladies, do you agree?? haha..

    1. haha I disagree! I have been using my old HTC phone for close to 5 years antique cracks jst that abit 'gila' sometimes.

    2. hahahaha... Only me nia.. not females careless.. I admit I am one of them...

  6. Do be careful when using the phone with cracks. Hopefully your son can do the frankenstein works on the phones for you soon.

  7. I too used hand me down phones from my boys until hubby bought one for me. Hope your son can do the switch to make it look like new again. If not, then I think it is high time to get a new one for mama. Lol!

    1. Wahhhh... good hubby... I need someone to buy one for me too!

  8. Tsk, get a new one lah... Anyway your son very geng. I didn't even know iPhone can be opened up and mix and match like that!

    1. hahahaa.. geng meh... Not sure.. wait till he does it... then I let u all know...

  9. yea, once dropped, it will crack. Be careful ..

  10. I've dropped mine a few times too in spite of being careful. Buy a new phone lah. It's not that expensive unless you want to go for the high end ones. Mine cost me RM400+ only.


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