Thursday, December 17, 2015

Steamed Steamed Food At Tai Kung Coffeeshop, Ipoh

MY FRIEND CAME AND TOOK ME OUT FOR AN EARLY DINNER...  It was only 5pm and not many shops were opened at this time.  I think it was only the third shop that we finally decided that this was the best... not in terms of food but in terms of parking and the "user friendly" pavement that we had to look out for.

See how troublesome and inconvenient it is to take me out?  hahahahaa.. That is why most times I prefer to stay home and eat than going through the hassle of getting the right shop for me to go...  Ok, anyway I am glad to be out again and enjoy eating at a humble shop called Tai Kung... All the food here are steamed in a giant steamer and all we just have to do is to choose them by pointing... er... this.. or that....
This is how my leg is normally dressed up... 
And our dinner consisted of the steamed fish....
Steamed "toong choy" minced meat....
And steamed water cress soup.....
Ignore the tops... otherwise appetite sure will vanish...
I remember my sister used to say this.. the messier it is, the tastier the food is... 

That was our dinner for two....
We shared a plate of rice and the bill came to RM30.50....
Came home with a satisfied tummy...
Time to watch TV and then go sleep.... 


  1. I would avoid those places where parking is a pain, never mind how good.

  2. all steamed, haha, reminds me of my usual lunch in the office.. me and colleague will usually have one soup, one meat and one veggie, of course rice also lah, all steamed!! your fish and minced meat looks good, but i would avoid that bowl of soup la, haha!!

  3. How are you Claire? Hope everything is good!

    Water cress soup, one of my favorite soup!

    1. I am fine except for the hopping.. haahaa.. thanks Hayley

  4. That's one of our favourite place. Reason - easy parking, good food, fast service and price reasonable.

    1. Yes, everything is fine except for the bowl.. hahaha

  5. Good of your friend to take you out for food. Half a month to go and you will walk again.

  6. Guess steamed food is healthier.

  7. You have so many good friends who took you out for luncheon and dinner, albeit of your inconvenience.

  8. Your leg is so nicely wrapped up in Christmas theme!
    I miss the food you just ate.

    1. Oh, then next time you come, I take u there if you dont mind the bowl...

  9. Simple but good food, that's the best! Your leg was very well dressed hah..hah...

  10. This is like ordering dim sum, just point to the ones you want...


Thank you, readers!

Visit to Secret Tunnel, Penang

DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS CALLED SECRET TUNNEL.... Maybe they got the name from up north, Thailand cos the food served are mostly Thai food.....