Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Tempting Me With Coach

I WAS NOT INTO HANDBAGS AND WALLETS.. not until I went to US last May. All these years when I was working, I did not go shopping for handbags or wallets, they were not in my "interest" list.  I am more into shoes and sandals.  Come to think of it, the handbags I used for working were bought by my kids for my birthday and "hand-me-down" from my sisters.

My interest for bags came about this year in May... suddenly I am into handbags... and wallets, purses.. Not so practical to be interested in these, after all, one wallet can last me a couple of years and coming to handbags, worse... now that I am no more working, how often do I take a handbag?  I think I am being "influenced" by my sister during my two months stay at her place in Sacramento.  When it was time to fly back to Malaysia, I had NINE handbags in my suitcases and a number of wallets/purses!!  To my shock and horror!!  Ok, I admit not all are mine.... my friends requested me to get some for them... and the rest belongs to me!  No regrets though... after all, how often do I go to US?

But no, even though I do not have to go, I am now being "tempted" again by pictures sent by my lovely sister.... she said so-so cheap... wanna get these for me or not?  How many do I want?
Super cheap she said!!
Oh dear, I am being tempted again...
Should I ask her to buy me AT least ONE? 
Which one shall I choose?? 
Now off the topic, my friend sent this picture to me.... 
I had a good laugh over this!
Yes, I was thinking of having a good Prata tomorrow morning!!


  1. The Prata one looks delicious. Have you seen the back pack - scrotum design?

  2. Here! Have a look if you have not seen it. Eyewwwwww!!!! Who would want one like that? LOL!!!

    1. Aiksssss!! but then you will be very outstanding!! hahahaa..

  3. huhuhuhu!! so you now have got something to die for huh?? your sister is very evil to ask you HOW MANY YOU WANT instead, hahahaha.. so, just get one or two lor, since she asked and she doesn't mind buying and carrying back for you mah.. maybe get one Prada so that you can go eat Prata with it~~ :p

    1. hahahaa... Prada??? Have to pay installments then!!

  4. Ha ha...you can buy the prata bag. When you are hungry you can eat it!

  5. Nice prata bag. Love it. I am more into shoes & dresses.

  6. The prata bag is pretty lah. I think you should get this instead. Lol.

    On good note, you should get one of the Coach. Pretty convenient. My sis bought one for me and I just use it this morning. Put money, phone and cards in them. No need bring handbag. Hehe.

    1. Yes, I have one actually like those.. but different brand..

  7. I got share and posted the prata bag in FB too... So funny.
    The COACH wristlets are off season designs. If is cheap can buy lor doesn't matter at all. #2 and #3 are my choice. Can get share with your girl.

    1. COACH quality not bad too. worth to get one. No need to take bag.

    2. Yes, it can hang round my wrist too!

  8. Buy the last one...can use and can eat too lol

  9. wah ... so high class! Get the on you like!

  10. Coach is just the entry level, introductory brand. Now I tell you a few more names: Michael Kors, Burberry, ... er.. actually just these 2 first lah, you will be overwhelmed already hahaha!

    1. MK and Burberry also not that expensive if you compare to what my friends own. Can buy a car! LOL

    2. Wow... what brand is as expensive as a car, Lina?? I really must know.. hahaha.. an eye opener...

    3. Hermes bags lah. What else.

    4. But Hermes not American, buy in US not so worth also leh.. those European ones totally different level @.@

  11. hah..hah...I am not into handbags or purses too until much later in life. But maybe not as crazy over it as you hee..hee...

  12. I want that prata bag..... To eat! LOL!

  13. My sister in the US bought for me one of the purse too..she bought another coach sling bag for me just last December..not sure how much, must be a good buy.


Thank you, readers!

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