Sunday, January 31, 2016

Cook-Whatever-In-Fridge On A Beautiful Sunday

WOKE UP EARLY IN THE MORNING only to realize that I did not make any plans with anyone for today.... Oh dear, what am I going to eat this morning?  I have not try driving out myself, still no confidence as yet, after today, I will have to consider "re-learning" how to drive again.  My last drive was four months ago!

Back to my morning, I quickly got up and rummaged through my fridge... I remember having a bit of this and that but I need to make sure.  Of course, I can just make a phone call to my siblings or friends, they are just a tinkle away.... ahemmm.... They are wonderful people who have "looked" after my meals each day... but NOW I am going to start to be Independent again where food is concerned.. Need to look after myself since I can walk a bit now here and there....

To my delight, I have these in my fridge.... 
One potato, two chinese sausages, leeks and eggs....
And a new dish is "invented"...
An odd combination no doubt....
But it served my purpose... my Lunch!
I had the soup boiling in no time too...
One quarter chicken, red dates, wolfberries and fish maw *far kau*
Collagen.... Supposedly to be good for my joints?  
My first meal of the day after 12.....
Saved half for dinner...
Maybe I will "fry rice" with the remainder....
UNless I have an invitation later on?
*hint hint*


  1. I would cook that same dish sometimes but without the potatoes and I would cut the leek till very very thin so it will not be so hard to chew.

    Standing up to cook can be quite a strain on your legs, better cook something easy like by steaming...or roasting in the oven instead of stir frying.

    1. My oven is still in the store room.. too heavy to take out... anyway, good to exercise my legs instead of sitting all the time..

  2. Your simple lunch made with whatever you could find in the fridge looks very good. I would be happy with a meal like that.

  3. Nice and simple meal. Fish maw is good.

  4. See your post, remind me i still have chinese sausage in the fridge...

    1. Steamed them in the rice cooker... easy and nice.. hahaha..

  5. I loves fish maw, but never buy before, because i do not know how to cook it...

    1. Must soak for sometime to make it soft then only boil soup..

  6. simple yet delicious, I like your newly invented dish..suitable for CNY too..;D

  7. Your newly invented dish looks good and yummy. The soup looks very delicious.

  8. Good to use up whatever you have in the fridge for a meal. Looks good too.


Thank you, readers!

Visit to Secret Tunnel, Penang

DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS CALLED SECRET TUNNEL.... Maybe they got the name from up north, Thailand cos the food served are mostly Thai food.....