Monday, February 1, 2016

Delightful Dinner At Delight Restaurant, Ipoh

OH DEAR, WAS MY HINT SO OBVIOUS IN MY PREVIOUS POST? I guess it was pretty obvious, I did mention my lunch was done and ready... and er... the leftovers were for dinner unless there was an invitation to dinner?

True enough, after publishing it, I received a message from my good friend, Florence, extending her kind invite for dinner with her family in town.  Not sure she read my post or not... benefit of the doubt... hahahaha...  At first I was halfhearted... feeling kind of "paiseh" and at the same time, I was looking forward to having dinner with them.    She mentioned it would be a simple dinner in town but little did I know they went to this Delight Restaurant... and the Food??  Wow, they livened up my taste buds!
Sweet and Sour Pork.... crispy outside and tender meat inside... 
One word... Appetizing!!

This dish.... another Wow... my first time eating it... 
Mixture of three.... 
Beancurd with Two Sunny Side Up Eggs and Minced Pork at one side separately....
I would love to order this again next time I go... 
Tender greens is a must....
Another spectacular dish that kind of "enlarges" my eyes...
When we say "wahhhh".. our eyes seem kind of larger... right?
*get what I mean*
Just look at the Garnishing...the greens, garlic and ginger...
They are enough to last me for one week's cooking!!

Thank you so much for inviting me to dinner, Florence!
It was such a Delightful Dinner ....
I am so glad that I made the right choice to Go!


  1. An impressive and mouth-watering dinner you had last night.

  2. Nice name, the restaurant. Sweet & sour looks really nicely done.

  3. A very delighful dinner. Food looks awesome.

  4. I love ku lou yok! It's so good to go with rice!

  5. This is really your wish came true. So sweet of your friend to invite you to such a delicious dinner. Underneath all the garnishing of ginger, greens and garlic is fish, right?

  6. that proved how "influential" you are!! you just ranted in your blog and right away you have got an invitation for dinner!! and OMG the dinner is not simple at all, look at those dishes!! that egg/tofu/mince dish that looks like a "tai gik" symbol is interesting leh~~

    1. Paiseh... next time better to comment nicely.. hahahaa...

  7. Quite long didn't eat sweet and sour pork liao, now cutting down on meat...

  8. Bring me makan la when I'm back !

  9. Wah....that Sweet and Sour Pork is the main highlight to me hee..hee...

  10. Good wor... your hint got quickly noticed and your friend took action. Hihihi

    1. So much for generous and smart friends... hahhaaha..

  11. Wah! Your ranting and hinting very effective la.....instant response. Very delicious and delightful dinner.


Thank you, readers!

Visit to Secret Tunnel, Penang

DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS CALLED SECRET TUNNEL.... Maybe they got the name from up north, Thailand cos the food served are mostly Thai food.....