Tuesday, February 9, 2016

How to Fix a Bed Bug Problem and Avoid it Coming Back

Bed bugs are becoming more common, and they can cause all kinds of problems for you and your family. Once they get into your bed and on your sheets and linens, they can spread throughout the home. Fixing the problem quickly should be your aim. Here’s how to deal with the problem from start to finish.

Why Are Bed Bugs a Problem?
Before you go any further, you need to know what bed bugs are and why they are such a problem if they get in your bed. They are small brown insects, and they survive on the blood of humans. So, when you have bed bugs in your home, they will bite you and withdraw tiny amounts of blood while you sleep. This obviously isn’t going to kill you or anything, but it’s still a pretty unpleasant thought. Here’s some bed bug information if you want to know more.

The bites don’t hurt at the time, but they can become itchy and sore later on. If you start to notice them, you need to take action. The other problem with them is that they are very difficult to completely get rid of. And when you think they’re gone, they have a tendency to come back with a vengeance. Their ability to survive and spread perpetuates this.

Signs to Look Out For
There are some signs of an infestation that you should be looking out for if you have any concerns. First of all, as I mentioned before, the evidence of bites is one sign to be looking out for. Red itchy patches on your skin that weren’t there when you went to bed are a sure sign that you have a bed bug problem. You might not necessarily see evidence on your skin, but you might see blood spots on your bed sheets.

The bed bugs will also probably give off quite a distinctive odor. The smell is usually musty and unpleasant. So, if you start to notice that kind of smell, you should investigate further. Checking the bed very carefully will usually reveal small bugs and white eggs if there is an infestation.

Treating the Area
The first step to take when you’re trying to get rid of bed bugs is to clean and treat the area where the bed bugs are. You should first strip the bed and wash them on a high heat and dry them at a high temperature too. The same goes for anything else like cushions or soft toys that were on the bed. You should then use a stiff brush to get any remaining bugs off the mattress.

Finally, vacuum the bed and the area around it to make sure that none of the bugs remain on the floor. If any of the bugs survive, they will simply come back. If your infestation problem is fairly small, this process should be enough to get rid of the problem. But some infestations can be more severe, and they may require different techniques to solve the problem.

Exterminating Them
If the treatment outlined above didn’t solve your problem, it’s possible that you’ll need to go a step further to exterminate them. This step requires the use of chemicals. These chemicals can be dangerous, so make sure you use them with care. Check the bottle and make sure it says that the chemicals are safe for use in bedrooms because some chemicals are not.

For people who are not confident using these kinds of potentially dangerous chemicals, it might be best to leave it to someone else. You can hire an exterminator who is trained in the use of chemicals and won’t make the kinds of mistakes that you are likely to make. It will cost you a little more money, but at least you will be sure that the job is being done correctly.

Making Sure They Don’t Return

Once your nightmare is over and you have gotten rid of the problem, the last thing you want is for the problem to return. You need to keep your sheets clean and washed at all times. And be sure to inspect the bed and mattress, brushing it down in the process. This will help to make sure that any problem is dealt with quickly if it does return. You should also be careful not to bring bed bugs home with you. So, when you stay in a hotel, check the bed and make sure there are no bugs in there. It’s worth doing everything possible to stop them coming back.

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