Wednesday, March 30, 2016

My Little Loots At Johor Premium Outlet

FROM IPOH OUR JOURNEY TO JOHOR TOOK US NEARLY SIX HOURS TO REACH... We started off from Ipoh around 10am and stopped two times at the resthouse along the way.  It was a smooth journey all the way to our destination, reaching around 4 something in the afternoon.

Along the way, I felt something was missing.... I didn't know what I had left behind till we nearly reached Johor... then only I realize I did not bring my Passport!!  Sigh.... No passport means no going to Singapore this time round.  No going to Singapore means no Shopping.... huhuhuuuu... No shopping in Singapore means I have to settle for something local here.... and Aaron obliged by taking us to Johor Premium Outlet... no choice so have to settle for the second best!

At the main entrance and escalator leading up to the second floor... 
It was quiet today.. maybe it is a weekday...
Well, all the better... can walk freely and leisurely... 
At the second floor... leading to the main outlets....
Okay, shall we go to the right?
After some walking, my legs needed a good rest.... 
But I needed some shoes... for my poor feet...
Something soft and nice... 
This pair is from Hush Puppies.. 
After discount it was RM149 if not mistaken...
And I was shocked when I saw these selling at only RM6!
I quickly messaged my girl... 
But she didn't like the glittering red...
Neither do I...
This cost RM19... 
But I like this one ... RM45... 
Oh, I didn't know which to buy... 
Ended up buying other stuff instead.... 
And my little loots... 
Nothing much... nothing special... 
Just something I want to use... 
And my poor legs said.. "Come, let's go!"
Yes, it was time to get some high tea desserts!


  1. I wonder how much is that pair of Hush Puppies shoes sold in normal retail outlets here. Will buying goods in Singapore be cheaper?

    1. Oh, I dont know... I don't do much shopping in Singapore.. exchange rate must times by 3!

  2. I also went JB recently, but I went KSL and City Square, I like Rubi brand shoes, I bought Rubi brand slippers before, cheap and nice

    1. Really! First time I heard of Rubi and I bought a pair yesterday...

    2. Rubi is a sub brand of Cotton On

  3. God is watching us...from a distance, He doesn't want you to go to Singapore and spend...spend...spend. LOL!!! I like that last pair of shoes, the woven matted one.

    1. hehehehe.. so I am very obedient, I didn't spend in Singapore...

  4. passport no go over to Singapore...wat a waste :) MSF? :p

  5. I like the last pair of shoes too, cheap & colour also nice.Hush puppies, colour too bright for me.

  6. Heard of this place, but never been there before.. In KL pun no gai-gai already, let alone JB, haha.. I like the slippers !

    1. hahaha..never mind, leave it till next time.. JPO will be here... !

  7. Too bad you forgot about your passport and has to give Singapore a miss...

    1. Yeah, this time it is a Miss! Really forgetful la

  8. Claire, i thought you will share the picture of your loots with us, as I can't figure out what have you bought at the end.

    1. Yeah, I was wondering too what's inside her mysterious bags! Tell Claire to unload the bags for her next posts.

    2. hehehe... it is all about shoes and more shoes!

  9. Aiyak....lupa passport but still got little loot. Not bad la. Lol

  10. I like that grey coloured shoes for RM45! The texture is unique and nice.
    I would have bought that RM6 red shoes for my wife without asking her. It looks nice to wear all black with red shoes like a fashionista! LOL

    1. I didnt buy la.. my girl said too sparkling.. but I didn't try.. not sure comfortable or not...

  11. Alamak you forgot your passport! Or else it would be nice to crossover to Singapore.

  12. You don't siao siao lah... second best wa... JPO is THE BEST place to shop if you wanna compare with Singapore! Singaporeans come here for their shopping trip one! Cheap leh there!!

  13. You are making us curious to see what you have bought!

  14. wah...after makan go shopping! so 'song' la u!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...