Friday, March 4, 2016

Singing Apong Along Burmah Road, Penang


Whenever I go Penang, I will pass by Burmah Road and each time I do, I see this man at his regular spot with a line of cars parked nearby....

Many times we got down from the car and made our orders and his answer would be...
"Have to wait one hundred pieces..."  or "Two hundred pieces"  
and one time I remember it was  "THREE HUNDRED" pieces... 
So each time after hearing that, we would walked away and drove off...

But on this particular weekday, we sort of "strike lottery".... 
When we got down to order, he told us..."30 pieces more to go..."
Waaahhhhh... 30 pieces means very fortunate for us already!
Finally we managed to EAT these!!

Apong Guan is his name....

Along the busy Burmah Road in front of Union School....
Uncle Guan's humble stall... 
His pan can do nine pieces at one time... 
Did a quick mental count... it wouldn't be too long, right!
Slicing up the banana very quickly... 
So while waiting patiently, my camera started working...
Patiently and meticulously he does his preparation.... 
Bit by bit he put two pieces of bananas and a small teaspoon of corn... 
See what I mean?
And while waiting, he asked for a name....
Carol is my answer... 
Then he started to sing his own version of Caroline.... 
As he prepared the Apong,  he sang... 
OH ... OH.... 
Those waiting along with us were equally amused.... 
Now I am wondering... 
Were my share of Apong "tastier" than the ones without the song?


  1. I think those must be the tastiest apong you have even tasted because of the song and after so many unsuccessful trips.

  2. First time I see banana in apom balik. Must be very tasty ya. Wow, true or not have to wait for 100 or 200 pieces. Bet you enjoy the uncle singing while doing the apom balik.

    1. True one.. maybe people just order and then come back to take...

  3. I have read about this tasty apong many years ago but up till now I have not managed to try it because of long queue and etc. Is it as delicious as they said it is?

    1. Not bad.. for 50sen, no complaints... but the wait is certainly the setback..

  4. Is this the one with the two feuding brothers, two stalls side by side along the same road? I've tried, can't remember which one. Was ok, pretty much the same elsewhere...or maybe I'm not an expert in these things. My friend would buy home, open while it is hot, add extra butter...and Milo. Now, that, I would say, is extra nice. Hehehehehehe!!!!

    1. Not sure of that, there is a van selling this too... not sure brothers or not..

  5. hah..hah...I was wondering what kind of Apong is this that can sing :D This Uncle Guan is very expert in making Apongs and I guess he signs to calm his customers while they are waiting hah..hah...

  6. If wait 100 pc/200 pc/300 pc more, i don't think i have the patient...

    1. That is why I always ended up leaving.. hahaha

  7. This man is really good and has been around since 20 years ago, as far as I could remember. The waiting period for 200 pieces is less than 30 minutes, so wait lah. You can chat inside the car or play games.
    There is another famous apong man selling at Island Glades. His is slightly different but my wife prefers this.
    Then there is another banana pancake which you might have tried at Pulau Tikus corner coffee shop (Directly opposite the Catholic Church)

    1. No wonder so many people waiting.. but normally I will go off.. if it is less than 50 pieces then ok la.. otherwise have to buy from another stall... I think I know which you were referring to.. the Pulau Tikus one.. but i have yet to try..


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...