Thursday, April 7, 2016

Tea House, Tea Gallery Or Tea Garden

I ALWAYS GET MIXED UP with the names...Tea House... Tea Gallery... Tea Garden.... and till a moment ago, I still did not get it right.  I googled for Tea House, wrong!  The one I was looking for is called Tea Garden.  I must remember that...   No wonder when I mentioned I wanted to go Tea House, my sister-in-law gave me her puzzled look... hehehee....

Been here for a few times already ever since last year.  I have tried some of their main meals and desserts, some are nice, some not bad and some so-so... This time I wanted to try out something different, not dim sum this round.
Since it was around noon, the place was quite filled up by then.... 
It is a One Malaysia concept where all can enjoy the food here... 
I was torn between the Nasi Lemak and Salted Chicken rice.... 
And we ended up ordering both..... 
Half spring salted chicken.... with one bowl of rice...
It is like this, comes with ginger and spicy chilies 
Another plate of nasi lemak without the chicken....
And as if those above were not enough, we ordered toasted kaya and butter...
I like them cos they were a bit salted on top and sweet in the middle... 
My kind of taste!
Lastly and not least, a plate of desserts!
Steamed tapioca with creamy santan and thick brown sugar.... 
The three of us are "sweeters"...
We opted for some extra "Gula Melaka" to get the "Omphhh!"
For the meal above, one RM50 note is enough... 
Our breakfast and lunch, two in one!


  1. Everything so good.

    I would be torn between nasi lemak and salted chicken rice. But half spring chicken is quite a portion. Must shared around.

    My girl would love that yummy kaya and butter toast. So crispy looking.

  2. All looks great & I love the toast & steamed tapioca most. Yummy & cheap.

  3. The salted chicken looks very nice. I would love that tapioca dessert, of that I am very sure!

  4. I have been eating Nasi Lemak often after the news went viral that it is healthy food. Excuses!!!
    I had never tried this salted chicken rice. So unique!

  5. Wahhhhhhh!!!! First three commentors, all from Sarawak!!! See how supportive we are of you!!! Hehehehehehe!!!!

    1. WAhhhhhh... you are so observant! Must give prizey! hahahaha

  6. I will go for the salted chicken, hehe...

    1. Next time you should go when you visit Johor...

  7. I like everything your ordered!

  8. I'll take the salted chicken rice please! Have been having too many nasi lemaks this week (Oops!)...

    1. hehehee... TM said healthy ma... no need to ooppss..

  9. The salted chicken looks so delicious - obviously can eat many bowls of rice. I like the steamed tapioca dessert. Seldom see this special dessert being served in eateries.

    1. Yes, that is why I order each time I go there.. not often eat..

  10. I see everything i also wanna

  11. Hahaha getting all confused at the names.

    The food sure look good.

  12. the name of the shop Tea Garden is a bit misleading in the sense that they serve the food like restaurant instead of a place to enjoy drinking tea and light snacks.

    1. Right, so what I had in mind is Tea House... hahahaa

  13. I would choose the salted chicken, toast and the tapioca dessert which is one of my favourite!


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...