Monday, June 20, 2016

Easy Fixes For A More Energy Efficient Home

Energy efficiency is something that all homeowners should take seriously. Not only to improve their carbon footprint but also to save themselves money when it comes to the running costs of their home. Not only that but homes that are more energy efficient also tend to be more valuable when it comes to selling. Hence, why so many homeowners like to make energy efficiency a priority in their homes.
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 If your home isn’t as green as it could be, there’s no need to stress. Believe it or not, going green doesn’t have to be as time-consuming or expensive as it seems. Yes, there are expensive changes you can make to your home, such as having solar panels installed. But there are also smaller and more affordable ones too.

Below, you’ll find a complete guide to making your home more energy efficient with just a few simple changes.

Use compact fluorescent bulbs

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Don’t buy traditional light bulbs swap to more energy efficient alternatives. The best options are compact fluorescent bulbs and LED lighting. You can find out which is best by visiting Look for light bulbs that have the energy star mark on them, as this shows that they are the greener option. While these may cost more than regular bulbs, they last longer and save energy, making them worth the higher price.

Update old appliances with energy-efficient alternatives
Updating all your appliances at once with new, more energy-efficient version would be too expensive. However, what you can do, when replacing an appliance because it’s old or broken, make sure to opt for a greener alternative. Most new appliances, from cookers to dishwashers are energy efficient, even so, it’s worth checking that before you buy.

Turn electronics off, don’t leave them on standby
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Far too many of us leave our electronics on standby, instead of turning them off. If you want to save energy and be greener, make sure to turn all gadgets off after use. Standby might use a small amount of energy but over time, this builds up and becomes a big amount. It might be more work but make sure to always switch appliances like the TV off, instead of leaving them on standby.

Have an energy efficiency audit performed
If you’re unsure about what changes to make to make your home more energy efficient, it’s a good idea to have an energy efficiency audit performed. This is basically a check of your home by an expert who will look at the different areas and make suggestions about how you can become greener. For example, it may be recommended that you visit and get your home’s glass tinted. Or it may be suggested that you have your home re-insulated. You don’t have to take all the recommendations on board, but they can be incredibly helpful.

Reduce your thermostat
A great way to reduce your energy usage and water bills is by turning down your thermostat. You might think that this will leave you with no hot water, but actually, that’s not the case. By turning down the thermostat by a couple of degrees, you won’t notice the difference. However, you will save a large amount of energy and money each year. So it’s something that’s definitely worth considering.

If you want to have a more energy efficient home, the simple changes above are ideal to make. They make your property greener, add value, and save you money on your bills.

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