Friday, June 10, 2016

Skin Care For All Ages

With summer around the corner and splendid sales starting to grace the malls and online stores, it is time for us ladies to shake and shape up ourselves with some fun and unique combinations.  Summer brings the sun, the weather is warming up and the days are going to get longer and that also means it is time to say goodbye to vampire pale skin and hello to make ourselves a golden glow.  Let us start with matching ourselves from our head to our toes with brighter colours and bold!   Hey, that certainly rhymes, let's go! 

Here are a couple of good beauty tips, let me start with the face or facial area.  Our priority is to keep our face beautiful no matter what age we are getting into.  For young adults, busy working women, mothers and elderly ladies, read on the following beauty tips should have in her repertoire and that includes you and me.

Beauty Tips for the Face
Main issue here is our exotic weather, so try to keep out of the sun as much as we can.  Opt for something like wearing caps or hats or even umbrellas, this is a great way to keep those harmful harsh rays away from the face.  While some studies say that morning sun can be good, there are some damaging elements in sunlight that we should avoid.

Before we set out each day, use natural or moisturizing skin care to help keep the skin moist and supple at the same time.  This will help to reduce the chance of wrinkles and dryness on our skin.  Apply a sunscreen SPF 15 on the face for protection against the UVB rays from the sun.  Before we apply anything on our skin, it is important to know what are suitable for us.

If your skin is naturally oily, then use  water based moisturizers for hydration of the skin and leaving it fresh at the same time.  For normal skin which is not too dry nor oily, water based moisturizers can be used too.  As for acne prone skin, it is better to use anti-bacterial lotion to prevent breakouts.  On the contrary, for dry skin, one has to look for essential oils.  For a better spotless glow on our face, you can try the award-winning whitening serum online, it is mentioned to have a major breakthrough over pigmentation, slowing down the process of getting dark spots as you age.

Remember to keep our face clean after a long day.  When the night comes, we have to clean our face thoroughly and apply extra hydration night cream can help to moisturize, repair, nourish and strengthen our skin.  Use a night cream that suits our face skin, pat it under the eyes, cheeks, nose, forehead and neck to enjoy a fresher and tighter skin in the morning.

Do not stress or should I say, try to stress less.  I know, while this is the understatement of the year, we humans cannot avoid stressing on some days if not daily.  Stress is one of the main culprits to affect the beauty of the face thus getting older than we really are.  By stressing less and feeling happy most times, beauty will last longer and we look definitely younger than our age.  

Another tip for face beauty is Water.  Insufficient of water intake will produce dryness on our skin and wrinkles will appear prematurely than one who drinks enough.  Depending on our scope of work, we should drink averagely around two liters of water per day.  Do not gulp all at one go, try reducing to sips.  Yes, sips of water every five to ten minutes.  Let the body absorb slowly and steadily into the system.

Food intake also plays a part of beautiful skin.  A well balanced diet consists of good food that includes lots of greens and fruits.  Not easy to keep up with that for we have lots of food temptation that includes fried and spicy exotic dishes especially for us who lives in Asian countries.

Last and not least, Exercise!  Yes, exercising our body daily in some way or another will reduce stress, help absorb water, reducing body impurities through our sweat and lastly of course, to improve beauty aspects of the body from the top to the bottom.

In summary, it is not just about what we put on our skin but in our body.  Skincare products are important and what is even more so is our daily lifestyle.  By eating well balanced and nourishing foods, proper hydration, being mindful of stress levels and sleep, we could be on our way to a beautiful life.  Everything is inside us, it is our choice.  Beauty is not just on the outside, beauty starts from within.......

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