Sunday, July 3, 2016

Obesity and fast food

Over 50% of US citizens is affected by obesity and that number is growing with each passing day. The problem is that obesity has serious consequences and such a person may require additional medical attention. With the current problems in the medical healthcare industry especially as far as medical debt is concerned the problem of obesity is one which will have to be addressed very quickly. Obesity although basically unwanted is not a major problem during childhood but this is an issue which is receiving a lot of attention from researchers. One of the questions which is increasingly asked especially in medical circles is whether the problem of obesity in the US could be related to fast foods. When one looks at the situation objectively it should become abundantly clear that there are many opportunities for people in the US, some good and some bad but each person has to make a decision whether they will become a victim or not. Therefore the problem is not so much fast food but rather the personal choice which every person will make throughout their entire life. For assistance with essay writing please visit the following website

There are many opinions

There are many people who are trying to simplify the problem of obesity and they take the easy route by blaming fast food restaurants especially for the role which it is playing in childhood obesity. There are some who claim that the easy accessibility to fast foods is simply too tempting for growing children and therefore they can easily fall into a pattern of over eating which will be very difficult to change at a future stage. There is also a further contributing factor as far as fast foods is concerned and that is the fact that there is no nutrition labels on fast food products and therefore the consumer has absolutely no idea what is contained in those fast foods which they are eating on a daily basis. Most US citizens is always under pressure to perform and therefore in our extremely busy lifestyles we always have some schedule to meet. There may simply not be time to search for healthy foods and therefore most US citizens turn to fast food outlets that will be able to provide such a person with an instant solution. However an increasing number of people is now putting the blame for obesity on fast food restaurants. It is an indisputable fact that there is fast food restaurants on basically every corner in the US.

Looking at the problem objectively

There is only one problem with putting the blame on fast food outlets but when one look at most of the urban areas in the US there are literally hundreds of other options available to any person living or working in such an area. Most urban areas have hundreds of restaurants in close proximity to each other and to other fast food outlets and therefore a person need not go to such a fast food outlet since there are healthier options close by. There is also no reason why people cannot spend a couple of minutes to pack their own healthy lunchbox. There are many things which could be done by people by simply using healthy food sources which they had available in their home and this will result in a healthier lifestyle. Ultimately it comes down to a personal choice, people do not have to take the easy option such as those presented by fast food, but rather when they have a commitment to their own health and when they are serious to control their body weight, then there is a whole range of alternative options which could be taken by such a person. Therefore the easy option of simply blaming fast food outlets for all the obesity problems of the US is not fair, is not justified, it is not objective because such a person is certainly not looking at the complete picture. Each and every person has to take responsibility for their own health and their bodies and they alone can decide how and where they would eat and therefore the resulting body weight cannot be blamed on anyone but themselves. For assistance with essay writing please visit the following website.

Making intelligent decisions

Just because fast food outlets in the US is easily accessible does not mean that they are the only options available to US citizens, that argument is simply not accurate or fair. In a large economy such as the US economy there is an endless list of options as far as eating places is concerned and not all of them is fast food outlets. There is a more than adequate variety of eating places all over the US and what this comes down to is that every person will take responsibility for what they eat on a daily basis. Those who are calling for stricter government regulations are missing the point entirely, doing so may not solve the situation because it has become time that people take responsibility for their own physical well-being. There are many other convenient establishments all across the US which is ensuring that people have access to absolutely everything they need. No one is blaming the local pub for the corrupting influence which it is having on society and neither is anyone blaming local gym owners for society’s problems. Why therefore should fast food outlets be made into the scapegoat for all of the US obesity problems. There are many opportunities for people in the US but it doesn’t require a genius to work out that not all things is essentially beneficial and that’s why every person will have to take responsibility for the choices which they make on a daily basis.

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