Monday, August 29, 2016

Day Trip To Fringe Festival, Edinburgh

The trio set off early for a rrip to Edinburgh which is less than three hours drive from our place.   It will be only a day trip for us for we were not able to book a suitable accommodation in Edinburgh.  The festival of the year is on.... Yes, it is called Fringe Festival... I did not know what that is until we reached there.  This is my third time visiting Edinburgh but it is my first time experiencing the excitement and happening in this city.....

On the way, we stopped at Dundee to take a short rest at the Tay Bridge.  Weather was simply beautiful. Sunny skies all the way.... Soon we reached Edinburgh and our little girl was most excited...

I think We lost a lot of calories here in Edinburgh.  After parking our car near the castle, it was all about climbing stairs to the Edinburgh castle and walking endlessly along the strrets to join in the crowd.  We were there for more than four hours and our parking fees alone came up to £17.50!  Okay, don't convert... Lol... Let's just enjoy the sights while we walk...
Rise and shine on our day trip to Edinburgh....
My driver and back passenger....
Arriving at Dundee...
A very enlightening discovery... Now we know.... We had a good laugh!
There is a castle under the name Fernie too...
Tay Bridge to St. Andrews...
Stopped over for a rest....
Soon we arrived at Edinburgh....
As we walked along, we looked for some food...
We settled for these... Two handsome hunks... Lol...
But we could only get their pancakes... £3.50
Thumbs up!
Welfie and taking lots of pictures...
Joining in the crowd... Even Pokemon Go was in the itinerary.....


  1. Pancakes from the two hunks sounds good and looks delicious.

  2. the weather is cold? I see some people wearing like normal but u in winter jacket...

    1. Very observant... Lol... Yes, me asian, they ang mo... Lol...

  3. I have visited Edinburgh a few times and like it. Nice place. Fernie is the same name as one of trio, right? Must go to Fernie castle and take photo then.

    1. Yeah, never knew that her name is seen in Scotland...

  4. What an adventure, I love this! The homemade bread looks beautiful, and so do the special butters. I love pancakes! Looks like this was mostly breakfast foods? Your kids look so beautiful and happy! You have really raised them to be wonderful adults, something to be so proud of. HA! Never heard the term Welfie, a new word for me.

    1. Thank you... Welfie means together we take the picture of ourselves... Lol...

  5. Oooo...I love these festivals overseas, so interesting. Hmmmm...your son sure is so happy with family around. Next best thing to going home, I guess.

    1. Once a year festival is nice... Right timing...

  6. Can see that it's quite happening there...

  7. Actually everyone go to the festival for Pokemon Go only. The festival is just side itinerary XD ..

    A bit sad lo, you just had pancakes. I think for 3.50, maybe you could get a hot dog too.

    1. Sausages you mean... I no like.. Prefer pancakes to them.. After that went thai food... Lol...

  8. You look so thin. Must have lost weight from all the walking :D The pancakes look so good!

  9. Edinburgh is a lovely place but the wind, grrrr😁!

    I have never been to the Edinburgh Festival. I hear tickets for good shows are sold out, long before the opening of the festival. I had been to many shows in theatreland and it had its premier at the Edinburgh Festival.

    1. Wow... You are really an avid traveller.. I havent been to the theatre there.. Always passing by only...

  10. Is Fringe Festival the same as Pasar Malam in Malaysia?


Thank you, readers!

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