Monday, August 8, 2016

Growing Heavier At Hook Sang Bukit Indah, Johor

JOHOR FOOD IS ACTUALLY NOT BAD... The places I have been and taken to,  most of the food taste very nice in fact.  I love trying out new food and new places and I am so happy that during this trip, I have tried lots of new dishes.  During one of the evenings, we went to an open air restaurant at Bukit Indah (seems like Bukit Indah has lots to offer), it is called Hook Sang.  The other time we went to their branch which is an air conditioned restaurant.  Then I was told that the boss has three restaurants, same name Hook Sang.

This is my second time here to this branch... the previous time, we came here for seafood, I think it was last year.  Wow.. time flies... As usual, our group consists of either five or six persons and these are the dishes which we ordered....
Marinated Ribs... if not mistaken they are marinated with beer... 
Rounded Beancurd 
Braised Yam
Spinach my favourite!
Chicken in Basil....
Sweet potato leaves in fermented sauce...
And their signature special noodles in gravy... I like it too!
Satay as desserts... hahahhaa... 
Cos it came during the ending part.... 

That is about all.... and the bill came to around RM150 for the six of us.... 
My two weeks stay in JB has indeed make me heavier, alright!!


  1. So how many kg did you put on? That dish, yam only or yam and pork belly? I like that, fat, yes...but so so so nice! Slurpssss!!!! :D

  2. Haha. Heavier and wider huh? I would if I eat like you. Easy to gain weight, hard to shed.

    1. Memang hard to shed... durians is the culprit too! hahaha

  3. I like everything that you all ordered. Are you sure you gained weight? You seem to look the same in your photos.

  4. All the dishes look great. You still look the same, you didn't look heavier but as slim as ever!

  5. Yums! Yums! All so flavourful dishes! Both veges are my favourite too.

  6. I love spinach too! And chicken with basil! I have not tasted them together, but I would love to.

    1. I love the smell of basil.. so nowadays I cook with basil leaves too!

  7. Braised yam is yam only, without pork belly? How can?? That's not right! :(

  8. what a delicious dishes and makes me hungry. oh my god, i am on diet

  9. The Marinated Ribs is tempting, didn't eat it for a long time liao, cutting down on pork lately...

  10. That yam is with pork belly right? Yummy, I love that, eat with white rice very sedap


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...