Wednesday, August 31, 2016

My Trademark Signs And Poses In Edinburgh

ALONG THE STREETS OF EDINBURGH after the visit to the Edinburgh Castle...Our walk lasted a couple of hours... but due to constant stopping, we did not feel so tired.... We had our lunch at The Orchid, a Thai restaurant somewhere along the way with a couple of friends who met us up.  As the Saying goes... no sex please, we are British... And My saying... No western food please, I am Chinese!  Lol...

Our Long Walk at The Fringe Festival 
Walked down from the Edinburgh Castle....
Notice my over and over again trademark?
Bear with me.. One more....
Among the crowd, there are two Asians....
Theee actually... And a golden blonde....she is real.....
This too is real... And he is floating in thin air....
The weather was simply beautiful... 
No more sweaters for us..
In the midst of the crowds...
People and people everywhere....
Performance on the streets....
Dancing too....
Oh, seems I have a "partner?"
Shopping time....
The famous theatre in Edinburgh....
Walking back to our parking....
At the Botanical Gardens.... And my weird Pose!! 
Oh, oh, I know what some of you are thinking already....
This pose might be better.... LOL!!!


  1. Great castle, beautiful place and so many interesting things happening there. At first glance, I thought you and partners were holding hands! Ha ha! Have to take a second look!

    1. I was surprised too... Dint realize someone there beside me...hahaaaa

  2. Hahahaha, I ate at a Thai restaurant too when I was in Edinburgh with my spouse because he is like you.

    1. Not sure because I can't remember the name of the Thai place.

  3. I think you are posing low to the ground in order to get a better look at all the flowers! You and your girl are so cute! Are these silver and gold people really real people? Are they supposed to be characters in books or movies? the whole area is so awesome, especially the castle.

    1. Yes, they psinted themselves... We just took pictures and gave them some nickels... :)

  4. Look at the clear blue sky, so beautiful and LOL at your last second pose

  5. The infamous botanical garden in Edinburgh! Were there lots to see?


Thank you, readers!

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