Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Cardiff Bay And Gourmet Burger Kitchen In Cardiff, Wales

WE WERE CONTEMPLATING WHETHER TO DRIVE OR NOT TO DRIVE TO CARDIFF BAY... After much consideration, we opted to,walk for we know that parking is a problem going and coming back.  Though the walm took almost half an hour, it was really nice to walk in the cooling weather, furthermore, it was a straight road from the Ibis to the bay.  No turning, straight on and my girl managed to catch some pokemon friends as we walked and walked....
Straight walking paths leading to the bay....
Almost reaching....

This is the Millennium centre... an Arts centre at the Cardiff Bay...
The Centre comprises one large theatre and two smaller halls with shops, bars and restaurants.
We walked around the area... Not many tourists in sight...
Mainly because it was a weekday...
The Pierhead Building is a Grade I listed building of the National Assembly for Wales in Cardiff Bay, Wales. It stands as one of the city of Cardiff's most familiar landmarks and was built in 1897 as theheadquarters for the Bute Dock Company.
And here I am...
At the quay....
With my friend as well....
Where shall we go first?
Food, of course!! 
After the long walk, we were very hungry.....
Aaron recommended Gourmet Burger Kitchen!
Classic burger ... They made their own patties, so I was told... 
Amazingly, I could finish one without any problem....
Side orders.... Cheese truffle fries!
Sweet potatoes...
And groundnuts are bottomless... Can eat all we want.....
Each burger cost around £5 and Since I am not the treasurer, I never want to remember....
Just eat, walk, sleep will do!  Lol....


  1. It's very nice to walk in cold weather. Don't feel tired. Cold weather also makes you feel hungry, so it's good to burn off the calories by walking hah..hah.. The burger and fries look so good!

    1. That is what i have been doing,,, walking n walking....

  2. the burger looks huge!! I like the cheese truffle fries, seems delicious!

  3. Now I am curious!!! Who is that so very young friend of yours? LOL!!!

    1. Next time see got chance to intro to you or not.... Lol...

  4. Burger looks kind of tame compared to the monstrosities they have at some places in KL, for example. Those are so huge I really don't know how people can eat them.

    1. No extra frills... No extra cheese.. Just nice for me!

  5. I would not mind the walk as get to see more things and catch more photos. As long as the weather is good.

    Ooohh. I want that sinful cheese truffle fries.

    1. Yes, cooling ok but not freezing .... I can walk.. The legs are like auto mode already

  6. The food looks amazing! My favorite here is your beautiful family picture.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Were the cheese truffle fries dressed in truffle oil? What were the flakes?

    I love the sweet potatoes fries. Double or triple cooked?

    Sweet potatoes and other root vegetable fries and crisps are becoming more common. The latter can be 'cooked' in a dehydrator or an oven on a very low setting. Absolutely delicious and easy on the wallet.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...