Wednesday, September 14, 2016

What’s Holding Your Blogging Business Back? Find Out Here

Wordpress, Blogging, Writing, Typing, Macbook, Laptop
Blogging has been one of the greatest phenomenon of the 21st century, and it can be your key to living the life you want to lead. The thought of making a career out of sharing your thoughts about topics you feel passionate about is enough motivation for anyone. However, it’s only worth pursuing if you’re going to make it a success.
To see the best results, you must first appreciate the elements that are currently stopping you from reaching your goals. Here are four of the most common issues to look out for. Rectify them as soon as possible, and you should see a difference almost immediately.
Poor Design
To keep readers visiting your blog, it needs to be fuelled by fantastic content. However, readers often won’t get that far if the website doesn’t look attractive. First impressions count for everything and your design could either entice or turn them away.
You don’t need to be a professional designer to gain a quality aesthetic. Premium WordPress themes will give you the desired impact while they can be easily adjusted to suit your needs. Just remember to illustrate your posts with images too, and you should be just fine.
Lack Of Content
Creating great content is one thing, but creating enough content is another altogether. Visitors will soon get bored if they keep returning to your site only to see there’s no new content. When first starting out, you may get away with two or three posts per day. As you grow, though, readers will have far greater expectations.
If the workload is too much for one pair of hands, you can outsource to freelancers. Combine this with guest writers and other key personnel to ensure that there is a regular stream of work, and you won’t go far wrong. However, you need to know that all posts are of the desired standard too. As with any business, the recruitment process is key.
Wordpress, Blog Post, Cms, Content Management System
Lack Of Presence
A blog that boasts great content will give you a fantastic platform for building success. However, large levels of traffic are what will help you grow and earn more money. First and foremost, you need to know your audience. Social media is a great resource for interacting with them and gaining a deeper understanding of their needs.
Those platforms can help you gain new readers too, especially if content goes viral. More crucially, though, you need a strong Google ranking. With SEO compare services, you can find the best way to increase your visibility. This is the key to increased traffic, and could be the biggest tool for finally gaining the success you deserve.
Not Making Money
Building a fantastic blog is the easy part; monetizing is where things get hard. You’re probably using Google Ads already. However, utilizing sponsored posts and other opportunities is vital if you want to maximize your profits.

Meanwhile, you could look at launching an e-store. Selling t-shirts, mugs, and accessories can be a great way to create an additional source of income. With more money rolling in, you’ll be able to evolve the business at a far quicker rate. Meanwhile, those sold items can also help spread the word to gain more readers too.

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...