Wednesday, October 19, 2016

No More Fireflyz Flights From Ipoh To Johor From November?

ANDY TOLD ME THAT FIREFLY WILL NO MORE BE FLYING TO JOHOR FROM NOVEMBER ONWARDS....  He booked a flight ticket in December earlier and he was informed that he will be getting back a refund soon.  That means from November onwards, only Malindo will be operating from Ipoh to Johor, Firefly will only be flying Ipoh to Singapore straight.  That means flight tickets from Ipoh to Johor will be more expensive in months to come?

This recent flight to Johor only cost RM59 one way... and coming back on a weekend to Ipoh also cost the same amount.  It is so much cheaper than taking a coach which takes 8 long hours or more whereas the flight only takes one hour 20 minutes or so.... which is a better option?

Since this is the last time Firefly is flying me back to Ipoh, I took a couple of pictures while I was boarding the flight.....
Walking towards Firefly for the last time.... 

Few steps up the propeller aircraft.... 
The cabin is easily reachable even for my height.... 
Up in the skies.... but not as high as those Boeings...
Land and houses are still visible upon this aircraft.... 
Landed in IPOH airport ten minutes before schedule.... 
This is a different airplane which I took while waiting for my luggage... 
Thank you Firefly for flying me to and fro safely to my destination all these while...
Till we meet again one day if I want to land in Singapore.... 


  1. What an emotional post. Good that you took so many photos for remembrance. But you still can take them from Ipoh to SG so not that bad.

    1. But troublesome cos have to travel from Sg to Jb after that..

  2. Ya kah? So next flight will have to fly Malindo. At least still got flight to Johor.

  3. No more? Aiyorrrrr!!!! They terminated their Sibu-KL route after a short while as well, same with Malindo. So now you cannot fly direct to JB? The transit stops can be such a nuisance.

  4. That's a shame. Is it not a profitable route?

    1. Maybe temporary stopped.. not sure.. cos not mentioned in their website..

  5. Can take to Singapore, then cross causeway to Johor, hehe...

  6. Heard of this airline but haven't have the chance to board on it yet.

  7. It is pretty! Wonder why they stopped this journey?

  8. Hmm. Cutting down on numbers of flights. Guess everywhere the same. Everyone cutting down on cost. But it would not stop you from flying right?? ^^

  9. Then don't go JB lor, come Singapore lah, hee hee


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...