Thursday, November 10, 2016

Do Something Different & Take Up A New Hobby!

No matter how busy you are - you always make time in your life to try new things. To stay vital and alive it's crucial that you continue to push your brain and your body to new heights. A challenge is something that should not be avoided. Someone that constantly pushing themselves to reach new heights will be rewarded and will thrive. You don't need to be young to learn. Taking up a new hobby will spark your imagination and pique your interest in a variety of things. Don't miss out on learning something new just because it feels alien to you. It's always hard to be a beginner at something but once you start to get the hang of it, you'll feel so proud of yourself!

1. Learn to play a new instrument
There's something truly magical about learning to play a new instrument - especially when you are a little older! I can be truly rewarding to take yourself off to a lesson once every week and pick up a new skill. It will completely take you away from your comfort zone and push you to remember things that you might not have thought about before. Playing an instrument is also a great trick to pull out unexpectedly at party to entertain people.

2. Start a collection
Whether you want to start a beautiful stamp collection or prefer to research and discover rare zim currency; building a collection is something you can put your heart and soul into. The wonderful thing about collecting is that it can purely be for you. No one else even has to be bothered about how much you have. You will feel an enormous sense of satisfaction when you find something to add that you've been looking for for ages! Start off slowly and order things is a way that you'll continue to enjoy. You never know, you could end up making your collection worth something!

3. Begin to paint
You might not have picked up a set of paints since you were at high school. If this is the case, you might have forgotten just how soothing drawing and painting and being creative it. You don't have to be the most amazing artist to feel good about doing it. Painting and drawing are more about learning what you like and what you find difficult. It also gives you the chance to improve your existing skills. You will build your confidence with it over time so don't give up.

4. Knit something
Knitting is a hobby that is portable. You can take your knitting needles and your wool with you anywhere that you go. It gives you the perfect excuse to put down your phone and focus your energy elsewhere. If you have small babies in your family, set yourself a task of knitting them something cute like a scarf. Everyone will think you're very clever and you'll get such a sense of joy when you see them wearing it.

Visit to Secret Tunnel, Penang

DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS CALLED SECRET TUNNEL.... Maybe they got the name from up north, Thailand cos the food served are mostly Thai food.....