Thursday, November 10, 2016

How much does genetics have to do with the way your skin ages?

If you want to get an idea of how your skin might have a tendency to age then there is some truth in the advice that you should look at your parents. Genetics can have an effect on the aging of your skin. The good news is that they do not have as much effect as the habits you develop and the way you treat your skin. This means that you have a major say in the way your skin ages.

We are going to take a look at how genetics have some effect on your skin’s aging process. We are also going to examine the effect you can have by ceasing unhealthy habits, using a solution such as an anti aging peptide and generally taking good care of your skin.

How do genetics factor in to the aging of your skin?

There is certainly a link between your genetic make-up and the speed with which your skin naturally ages. For instance, people with fair skin have a tendency to show signs of aging earlier than those with a darker complexion. Sagging, wrinkles and varicose veins are all things which you can be genetically predisposed.
Before you start abandoning your anti aging regimes and giving up, it’s important to note that your actions play a much bigger role in the aging of your skin than genetics. Let’s take a look at what you can do to slow down the aging process of your skin.

Stopping smoking

One of the best ways of helping your skin to age more slowly is to stop smoking. Of course, there are many health benefits of giving up the habit, but the benefits of having healthier and better looking skin should not be underestimated. Smoking reduces the elasticity in skin. It also reduces the amount of moisture present and the amount of Vitamin A.
You can see the effects of all this on the faces of people who smoke. They tend to have more wrinkles and sagging skin. Wrinkles are often especially apparent at the corners of a person’s eyes and mouth. If you smoke, and you want to improve the look and condition of your skin, the best way to do so is quit the habit.

Having a good skincare regime

The skin’s aging process begins when you are in your twenties so you need to develop a good skincare routine from when you are young. It’s worth investing the time and effort to try and make sure that your skin continues to look young and fresh for as long as possible. You need to do your research and experiment in order to discover the products and system that are best suited to the needs of your skin.
It’s certainly true that the way your skin ages owes something to your genetic make-up. This does not mean that you cannot help determine the aging process by the way you treat your skin and the habits you choose to give up.

Visit to Secret Tunnel, Penang

DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS CALLED SECRET TUNNEL.... Maybe they got the name from up north, Thailand cos the food served are mostly Thai food.....