Friday, January 20, 2017

Pre-Chinese New Year Gathering At Mun Choong Restaurant, Ipoh

EACH YEAR WE COLLEAGUES GATHER TOGETHER TO HAVE A "STOP WORK LUNCH" also known as SAU KOONG CHAU in Cantonese.... Though a few of us have retired, we still anticipate and look forward to seeing each other before the Chinese lunar year ends.  This year is no different, exactly one week from now is the Chinese New Year and before that happens, our group organized a get-together.

Thanks to the modern technology of group chatting in smart phones, our plan went on schedule and this year, we had our gathering at Mun Choong Restaurant just this afternoon.  Our theme for this year is RED!  *Ang Ang* as in Hokkien dialect.... and it was a really fun and enjoyable meal, meeting up with my ex-colleagues again for this auspicious season.  From the pictures below, our group seems to be getting smaller in size.... We miss one friend who couldn't make it at the last minute and we hope that she will be able to make it after the Chinese New Year.  Yes, we already planned ahead... our next meal will be in Yellow... LOL...

And now.. pictures of the food and my lovely friends in Red... all look so vibrant joyful....  ahemmm... 
Both of us were the early birds... so we captured a picture of us proving so... LOL... 
And the rest came soon after.... 
Our first dish... a combination of this and that in sweet plum sauce... 
And as we stood up and used the chopsticks to mix everything together,
we wished Good Wishes to ourselves... LOL... 
After our appetizer, the Marinated Pork Ribs is served... 
Steamed Ginger Chicken...
Kailan with yummy Yam...
hhhmmm... what shall I call this?
Lastly and not least, their signature Beancurd... 
We ended our gathering wishing everyone...


  1. Ladies in red! Well, yes, CNY is so near only one week to go. That was lovely gathering of good friends with good food, a sign of more good things to come!

  2. Replies
    1. No more chinese males in the department already!

  3. All in red! So ang ang! Wishing all a happy and fatt, fatt CNY!!!

  4. wow! everyone is so ang ang! wishing all a very happy and fatt fatt cny! :)

  5. Ang ang, ong ong lai!! Gong xi fa cai!!

    So nice to organise such gathering and meal treat. Yee sang! Had one yesterday. ^^

  6. Nice meal with good friends. All ready to welcome the Year of the Red Fire Rooster!

  7. The plum sauce dish is beautiful! And I would love the ginger. Beauties in red!! the restaurant and table are very pretty and fancy. And I do recognize a few of these faces from years past. A wonderful get together with old friends!

  8. All decked in red to welcome the Year of the fire rooster.

    Kailan with yam is new to me.

    1. Makes us vibrant.. and hopefully younger.. hahahaa.a.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...