Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Simple Steps To Homemade Bak Kwa (Chinese Pork Jerky)

CNY MODE IS ON!  Or should I say I made History yesterday?  LOL...

This year Reanaclaire's cooking and baking seem to be in full blast, mainly inspired by reading too many FB's posts on food for CNY and secondly, motivation and encouragement from my friend who is so patient to teach me step by step.  Knowing Reanaclaire who is an amateur, my friend took the trouble to get everything ready for me, I just have to go to her house, knocked on her door, put on an "apron" and the class is on!

Lesson:  Grilled Dried Meat AKA Bak Kwa (Chinese Pork Jerky)
Started off with 450 gm of minced meat, 100gm of brown sugar, 
1 tbsp light soy sauce, 
1 tbsp Chinese rice wine, 
1 tbsp oyster sauce, 
2 tbsp honey,
1/4 tsp black sauce,
1/2 tsp fish sauce, (optional)
dash of five spice powder, 
salt to taste
dash of pepper
Mix the sauce and meat together till they turn gluey (kau-kau)
Marinate for at least one to two hours... or more...
Spread them on the baking pan..
Preheat oven at 160 degrees (depending on oven size)
 and bake for 15 minutes...
When slightly cooled, cut to the preferred size....
And into the oven again for another 10 minutes at 240 degrees.....
Then flip them over and bake for another 10 minutes.... 
till the sauce is absorbed and brownish in colour.... 
My 450gms of meat ended in these 9 pieces only... 
The moist part is not so much from the "fats" but more from the sauce.... 
Really moist and soft.... 
I have never eaten such juicy Bak Kwa.... 
Finished three pieces already.... 
This is just my first trial run... 
Will definitely grill more in the coming days...
Provided the "Motivation Mode" is still on!
Thank you, Nancy for teaching me step by step...
My first successful Chinese Pork Jerky.... 
Really appreciate all you have done!
Now... I am wondering.. 
Would I be able to do these on my own the second time???


  1. Oh me oh my!!! You created History indeed! Respect! Respect! Standing ovation! And it looks so so so good. Come, make more and send some over for me to try. :D

    1. Looks can be deceiving.. hahahaa.. still need time to master it.. a bit too sweet actually..

  2. Congratulations to your success! Hey! You have hidden cooking and baking talents! Give it more time and you will be a pro! Ha ha ha!

    1. Serious meh!! Then I must go more often to your place to learn and master more cooking! hahaha

  3. You can do it!!! Jia you!!

    Maybe next time I need to pay you a visit and get a lesson from you.

    1. YO! I hope I won;t teach you the wrong steps.. hahahaa

  4. Wah! Really full blast lah you! Your bak kwa turned out so well. Homemade one sure very syiok. So when can I place my order? LOL!

    1. Ah PH, you well equipped with skills to make your own too! :)

    2. Paiseh...paiseh, Sifu... Still lots to learn... no way near you, PH! Mun is right!

  5. Am sure you are able to do on your own the second round... Add oil...

    1. Hopefully... more trials and practice for sure...

  6. Of course you can do this on your own next time! Your home made bak kwa is so thick so it must be super tasty! Please make some on your own and write about this! Looking forward to reading your post about it.

  7. O..this is how the Chinese Pork Jerky is made. Good try !

    1. hahaha.. if no one teaches and leads me then sure unsuccessful...

  8. Very nice! 👌👌👌Have a lovely Day! ❤️❤️❤️

  9. oh wow! when i saw this on elin's blog, i was so amazed. didn't have time to comment yet. and now i see this on your blog....i'm practically drooling, and i'm really starting to be convinced that it's doable. hmm...will pluck up the courage to try one day....not for this CNY though....far too busy. but this is hubby's favourite, so when he has been extra nice, i'll put in this extra effort one day....hahahahah! but for the time being, i've bought 1 kati for him from my butcher.

    1. Yes, it is doable...cos if reanaclaire can do it, anyone else can do better! hahahaa...

  10. Looking good, Claire! I believe if you take notes, you can cook anything!!! And you have the added advantage of already being a very good cook.

  11. Looks really good for bak kwa lovers! Keep it up and make more! :)

  12. Put inside a box and outside the box chop Logo Reanaclaire Bak Kwa, business sure good


Thank you, readers!

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