Monday, March 13, 2017

Chee Cheong Fun Canning Garden And Smoothie Drink

It has been several months since I last went for the Canning Garden Chee Cheong Fun and as usual, we need to queue for our order.  I cannot just place order and go... must wait for him to ask.... otherwise will get "grumbling" from him.  He is famed for that... LOL... However how grumpy, my friends and I still faithfully go for his CCF fix once awhile.

This time was no different.... we have to wait for our turn, wait till he ask... he always say this, "Don't tell me now, I cannot remember, let me finish what I am doing first.... "  His famous words... so most times, we look for his assistant but most of the time he is busy serving customers.  One more tip, don't be too "fussy" about the sauce, either order it dry or say "everything put in".... LOL...
We ordered it dry this time.... and L size too...
Large portion cost RM4 now... no more cheap cheap.... 
This is mine... same size too... but this time, the sauce was overflowing a bit...
More on the saltish side I would say... 
But I like the generous toppings.... sesame and the fried onions... more please!

After our morning Large size breakfast, we could not take in any lunch.  How about a healthy detoxifying drink instead?  My girl brought back two packets of strawberries from Camerons yesterday and they were a bit too sourish.  Instead of "squeezing" my eyes just to eat one, why not blend them and get a smoothie drink for my lunch?!  LOL... Here it goes..... 
An apple, an orange and five strawberries..... 
Into the Bullet Blender they go.....
Ggggrrrrrr.. just a few seconds..... 
Yes, this is for My Lunch... 
My thick smoothie drink...
Full till evening... 


  1. I must learn to make fruity smoothies as my meals. So filling, healthy and loose weight.

    That grumpy seller is the same as the same as Penang CKT seller at Lorong Selamat. She would even shoo us to order from the male CKT seller opposite.

  2. Wow! Smoothie! Healthy.

    Very generous topping on the CCF.

    1. Yes, indeed, without the toppings, then the ccf is not as good..

  3. Same as TM, I also must learn to make fruity smoothies, hehe...

  4. What a coincidence! We had chee cheong fun the other day, that guy here who's originally from Ipoh. Post on that day after tomorrow, I think.

  5. Tasty Smoothie! I must remember your advice if I ever eat Canning Garden Chee Cheong Fun. I will order dry.

  6. Wah...the CCF is the right size for me LOL! So good lah you, taking lots of smoothies. Very healthy like that to balance out the CCF :D

  7. wah, this ccf must be very very famous...I tink he should put a written rule in front of his stall so that people would aware of his 'rule'...Otherwise he would need to keep on 'grumbling' each time people 'accidently' place their order.

    1. heheehe.. but nowadays he said it in a nicer way.. not grumpy like those days...

  8. I don't like to eat at this grumpy fella's place. Instead I now go over to Tina at d 3rd shop on d other end.

    1. I haven't tried Tina's as yet.. always forget!

  9. This was such a good idea, Claire. And still very healthy. This restaurant owner must be so grumpy because he is so busy all the time, no time for chit chat. Maybe he needs more workers to help.

  10. Yes, some shop owners are very grumpy because they are so busy

    Usually I don't like to eat at such grumpy fellow's stall as I got pay money one, I feel I shouldn't get this type of treatment

  11. Claire it is good to invest a bullet blender... easy and fast. Hassle free too.

  12. Now I think he is not so grumpy. Sometimes, when he is not so busy, he will chit chat a bit. Ha ha...


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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...