Tuesday, March 7, 2017

How To Keep On Top Of Your Health

In this day and age it can be very difficult to make sure you stay healthy. There’s so much advice being flung at us all from a thousand different directions that it makes it hard to know what exactly we should do. Luckily, there are some basic life tips that we should all follow in order to make sure that we stay fit and healthy as long as we can…
Stay Active
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First of all, make sure that you stay active. There’s no better way to get unfit and to gain weight than by taking up residence on your couch and rarely moving! If you aren’t particularly into playing sports then that’s totally okay – you can get fit in another way. Take a friend along to a yoga or pilates class if you want some gentle exercise that will strengthen your core. If you’re a little more into dance and having fun then why not try out a Zumba class? Zumba mixes aerobics with hot salsa dance moves and will help you get in shape and have fun at the same time. You should also make sure that you walk as much as you can – ditch that car when you don’t need it and get your legs moving!
Manage Your Chronic Conditions
If you have a chronic condition like depression, asthma or arthritis it’s important that you manage it well. Chronic pain or discomfort can be really difficult for your mental health and it’s crucial that you don’t try to push it under the rug and just get on with your life. You need to learn to live with your chronic conditions – so make sure that you use your preventative asthma inhaler and that if you have a mental health condition, you listen to your body and your mind and you treat yourself kindly. Taking time out from the rest of your life to relax every now and then does not make you weak.
Check In With Your Doctor

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If you aren’t feeling well, then it’s important to make an appointment with your doctor. There’s no point in soldiering on even when you feel awful – the people sitting close to your hacking cough at work definitely won’t appreciate it, and it’ll also mean that you won’t get better as quickly. If you can’t get an appointment, try out an app like Babylon, where you can talk to a doctor using your phone. After that, you could have another try at going to see your own doctor for even more advice.
Cut Yourself Some Slack
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Finally, it’s important to make sure that you relax when you can. Even if you’re a busy parent, do your best to take some time off from your kids every now and then to spend some time by yourself and to do what you enjoy – take a look around an art gallery or go to see a movie or spend an afternoon with your new book curled up in the corner of your favourite coffee shop. It’s important to take care of yourself in order to be healthy and happy.

1 comment:

  1. I am trying to find some Chinese Remedy to cure headaches, instead of taking panadol, I think Chinese Medicine is more healthy though the effect might be slower


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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...