Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Simple Steps To Fruit Bread With Breadmachine

SINCE I TOOK RICE DURING THE DAY, I did not feel like taking rice again in the evening.  Lazy to go out to buy my dinner, it was raining actually by then and suddenly an idea came to my mind.  Bake Bread la!  Yes, I have failed twice last week, they turned out to be like cakes instead of bread, I wonder why.... this time I did not want to follow the recipe from other sources but follow strictly to the Khind instructions and recipes given.

If this time I failed again, then I must go "consult" my girl, for she has done twice during my absence and the bread she baked turned out great.  Yes, she followed the instruction book given whereas the mother, yours truly followed other recipes from the Internet.  Bread are very sensitive 'Food"... if the ingredients are not put accordingly to the sequence, it will turn out soggy... *speaking from experience... shy to take picture of my failed attempts too!*

Never mind, Never Give Up... so yesterday I tried again.... put the ingredients into the breadmaker step by step as written in the recipe below....
Recipe for Common Bread...
Last is the yeast... and then I clicked number 1 for Common Bread...
It took 2 hours plus for the whole process but in the midst, 
I threw in Cranberries, Blueberries and chopped-up walnuts....
I didn't take picture of those cos I am not sure whether they turned out or not...
*Pessimistic cos 3rd attempt*
After 2 hours plus, the "Beeping" sound was heard....
Look What I Found!!
Hello Mr. Breadie!!
This is how My Breadie looks like lying down at its side.... 
Breadie on its Behind.... 
OH, OH.... why got hole???
Then I realized I forgot to take out the paddle...
It should be taken out before the baking process starts...
Thus.... the Hole is Born.... 
No worries, who would want to look at the bottom anyway, right???
And the Slicing Began.....
Lots of holes in between caused by my overfeeding of dried fruits and walnuts!
Couldn't resist biting a mouthful as I sliced and sliced.... 
I can just eat it like that..... 
Or with my Ginger Shred Jam from Robertsons Paddington ...
And as if it is not enough, I added in Chicken Floss as well!!
That was for my dinner yesterday.... 
Homemade Bread with Ginger Jam and Chicken Floss...
What a combination!


  1. So nice. Make own bread and eat it. Well done Claire!!

  2. Homemade bread and homemade chicken floss, hehe...

  3. Wahhhhhhhh!!!! Really getting into it these days, eh? Good, good. Keep it up!

  4. Not bad, not bad, this time jadi lah. As long as can eat, OK already.

  5. Really good! You don't have to buy bread anymore. Homemade bread is always better because you can add in your own nuts and fruits. Next project will be making coconut jam?

    1. wahhh..never thought of it leh.. I like coconut jam too... ok, we try one day, eh..

  6. I love the smell of freshly baked bread at home. Breadmaker is a really useful tool to have.

    1. Yeah, especially for me.. no kneading by hands... hahaa

  7. From your picture, I think you put a bit too much yeast and baking powder.
    Also not too much oil if you bake a bread than cakes. I did that before.

    So normal bread, simple recipe like this

    500 gm of flour
    300 cc of water
    some cooking oil like two tablespoons
    n a pinch of salt n say two tablespoons of sugar

    Add the dried grape if you wish or oats.
    if you find the blended product too dry just add in bits of water.

    If too much margarine or oil, your bread sure turns out like cakes!
    hahaha.. I did that many times. But not bad to eat too, right?

    1. Oh then I must cut down on my yeast.. it put there 2/3 tsp.. Ok, thanks for your useful tips! So I must cut down on oil too.. no wonder it turn out more like cake.. hahhaa..

  8. definitely needs a teaspoon of yeast n baking powder. if too much, will have many holes and some turn out to be big! :)

    1. Oh, one teaspoon is too much I think.. I put 2/3 as per instruction, maybe next time I put less than that...

  9. I thought this one looks nice. Well done! :P

  10. Looks good. I would gladly eat it.

  11. You just made me hungry and greedy for such thick loaves! I must ask my wife to bring out our bread maker again.


Thank you, readers!

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