Thursday, April 6, 2017

American Breakfast At Waffles Shop, Sacramento

HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO RENO?  I thought that was the title of a song but I think I am wrong, I couldn't find any lyrics to it.  Anyway.... there is no connection in this post except that on this particular morning, we were all set for a few days trip to Reno, Nevada.  I have never been there before and naturally, I am all excited to go....

The journey took us around three hours, stopping at two places along the way.... But before we set out, we had a real American breakfast at Waffles Shop which is on the way to the freeway.  Stuffed ourselves full so that the food last us till dinner... but a disadvantage is that the food made me very sleepy along the way and I had a good sleep with a full bloated tummy!
Before setting out, while waiting... this is my pass time... 
And admiring the flowers which have just blossomed this morning... 
I really don't remember seeing them yesterday!
At the Waffles Shop inner section....
The outer section was fully occupied and we were led in here....
We had the whole place all to ourselves.....
The decoration on the walls are interesting...
Beautiful paintings on the wall...
The owner of the place must be very fascinated with poultry animals....
Very nice.... I like the colours....
Another interesting one here... isn't that nice....
We ordered a few sets of Chicken Steak.... 
And we thought they were chicken meat....
But actually they were made from beef....
Never had beef cooked like fried chicken before...

They came in big sets... cost only around $7 per set... 
More than enough for everyone of us here...
And before we left, a peck from the Rooster!


  1. Oh yum! This is making me so hungry! This dish is called Chicken Fried Steak. That is because the steak is breaded and fried like you do chicken. It is so good! Everything looks so good. And very pretty decorations. You are so pretty with the red flowers.

    1. Yes, you are right, Ginny! I thought they were chicken meat.. LOL...

  2. The 8th picture, i like the one on the right, nice...

    1. I must scroll up and see see first.. hahahaa..

  3. My memory is better than yours!

  4. I would not know it is a beef if you did not stated it. It did look like chicken chop.

  5. oops, ppl who do not eat beef may mistakenly eat this because it is called chicken! keep up the poses!

  6. Where are the waffles? LOL! Oh, I see...steak cooked like fried chicken. How interesting!

    1. Didn't order waffles because this breakfast is worth the price! LOL..

  7. Waaa!The flowers could blossom so big overnight. Speechless me!
    I like all their decorations and I believe the owner was born in the year of rooster. You looked so young in the photos. The secret must be the fun and happiness that makes your skin glow younger.

  8. Love all the food here and I like the decor of the restaurant

    That looks like chicken to me

  9. Yeah, I was expecting to see pics of waffles too!
    I love d last pic of d rooster giving u a peck on d cheek 💕


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...